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Sonalksis 插件是业界“最保守的秘密”之一。 世界各地的音乐制作人和工程师在制作链的各个阶段都使用 Sonalksis 插件,从跟踪和混音到母带处理。 母带制作工具通过 Sonalksis Mastering 插件推动了众多热门歌曲,邮局使用我们的工具制作票房电影。 我们的插件甚至可以在全球各地的舞台上现场观看(和听到),以及通过各种广播公司的电波进行现场直播。

Essentials 插件
– SV-315Mk2 压缩机
– SV-517Mk2 均衡器
– SV-719 模拟门

– CQ1 多频段压缩扩展器
– DQ1 动态均衡器

– 创意过滤器
– 数字污垢盒
– Über 压缩机

– 多重限制
– 最大限制
– StereoTools
– 终极-D


Sonalksis Plug-ins are one of the industry’s ‘best kept secrets’. Music producers and engineers the world over use Sonalksis plug-ins in all stages of the production chain, from tracking and mixing, through to mastering. Mastering facilities push numerous hits through the Sonalksis Mastering plug-ins, and post houses use our tools on box-office movies. Our plug-ins can even be seen (and heard) live on stages around the globe, and on live broadcasts over the airwaves from various broadcasters.

Essentials Plug-ins
– SV-315Mk2 Compressor
– SV-517Mk2 Equaliser
– SV-719 Analogue Gate

Multi-band Dynamics Plug-ins
– CQ1 Multiband Compander
– DQ1 Dynamic Equaliser

Creative Elements Plug-ins
– Creative Filter
– Digital Grimebox
– Über Compressor

Mastering Suite
– MultiLimit
– MaxLimit
– StereoTools
– Ultimate-D