Team R2R | 29 Sep 2022 | 295.7MB

Blue Cat 的 PatchWork 是一个通用插件 patchbay 和多 FX,可以在单个实例中将多达 64 个 VST、VST3、音频单元或内置插件托管到任何数字音频工作站 (DAW) 中,具有串行和并行功能路由选项。

可以串联串联效果或创建最多 8 个可以独立激活的平行链。这使您可以在插件中创建自己喜欢的效果或乐器配置,而无需多个总线。这些配置可以保存为预设并立即调用,或与多个 DAW 共享,使用任何插件格式(下面的完整列表)。使用内置音频效果为您自己的插件链添加色彩。

尽管名称如此,但您可以忘记电线或电缆:配置插件路由就像在机架矩阵中添加或删除一行或一列一样简单。所有插件还可以使用插件提供的虚拟 MIDI 端口相互通信或与主机应用程序通信。

对于每个插件插槽,延迟补偿、预设管理、撤消/重做集成、音频 I/O 选择和单独的插件旁路都包括在内,以实现最佳操作。该插件还存储每个插件的窗口位置,以便布局与您的会话一起恢复或与预设一起保存。

此外,子插件可以使用 Blue Cat 的 PatchWork 参数映射功能通过外部控制界面进行自动化或控制。

该产品可作为音频插件(效果器或虚拟乐器)和独立应用程序使用,因此它可以单独使用或插入到您最喜欢的 DAW 中的任何类型的轨道上,具有多达 16 个音频通道。


V2.6 (2022/09/26)
在 19 种预定义样式中选择宏旋钮外观。
MIDI 输出现在在独立应用程序中启用。
在独立应用程序中选择单个 MIDI I/O。
在全局和预设输入设置中添加了一个选项,以在插件中修改启用 MIDI 的参数时发送 MIDI 事件(以相应地更新控制表面)。
在大多数插件格式中,无论主机定义的配置如何,现在都可以选择内部音频 I/O 配置(例如,您可以减少通道数量以节省 CPU 并仅处理选定的通道)。
PatchWork App 现在使用 Apple 的 Hardened Runtime,并且安装程序已经过公证,以避免在 Mac 上出现安全警告。
改进了某些主机应用程序中的 VST 参数值显示。
修复了某些 MIDI 插件不允许 MIDI 消息通过的旁路。
修复了一些 VST3 插件的一些 GUI 大小调整问题。

警告:使用此新版本保存的预设和会话将无法使用旧版本的 PatchWork 正确重新加载(参数映射将丢失)。

英特尔或 Apple Silicon 处理器。
Mac OS 10.9 或更高版本。
对于插件,任何 VST / Audio Unit / AAX 兼容应用程序(64 位)。
对于独立应用程序,Core Audio 兼容的音频接口。


Blue Cat’s PatchWork is a universal plug-ins patchbay and multi FX that can host up to 64 VST, VST3, Audio Unit or built-in plug-ins into any Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) in a single instance, with both serial and parallel routing options.

It is possible to chain effects in series or create up to 8 parallel chains that can be activated independently. This lets you create your favorite effects or instruments configurations within the plug-in, without the need for multiple busses. These configurations can be saved as presets and recalled instantly, or shared with multiple DAWs, using any plug-in format (full list below). Use the built-in audio effects to add color to your own plug-in chains.

Despite the name, you can forget about wires or cables: configuring plug-ins routing is as simple as adding or removing a row or a column in the rack’s matrix. All plug-ins can also communicate with each other or with the host application using the virtual MIDI ports offered by the plug-in.

For each plug-in slot, latency compensation, presets management, undo/redo integration, audio i/o selection and individual plug-in bypass are included for optimal operation. The plug-in also stores the position of the window for each plug-in so that the layout is restored with your session or saved with presets.

Also, sub plug-ins can be automated or controlled with external control surfaces using Blue Cat’s PatchWork parameters mapping capabilities.

This product is available as an audio plug-in (effect or a virtual instrument) and standalone application, so that it can used alone or inserted on any type of track in your favorite DAW, with up to 16 audio channels.

Input and output level meters are also available to monitor the signal that is dispatched to inserted plug-ins, including side chain and aux channels.

Whats new in this version
V2.6 (2022/09/26)
New macro controls editor to edit plug-in parameters mapping.
Assign multiple parameters from multiple plug-ins to a single macro control, and adjust the range for each parameter.
Assign a name to each macro control, that is now displayed in automation lanes in most host applications (may require a session reload in some cases).
Parameters names for existing sessions will be automatically updated upon load.
Select macro knobs appearance among 19 predefined styles.
New learn modes to quickly assign plug-in parameters.
MIDI output is now enabled in standalone application.
Select individual MIDI I/O in standalone application.
Added an option in global & preset input settings to send MIDI events when MIDI-enabled parameters are modified in the plug-in (to update control surfaces accordingly).
In most plug-in formats, internal audio I/O configuration can now be selected regardless of the configuration defined by the host (you can for example reduce the number of channels to save CPU and process only selected channels).
PatchWork App now uses Apple’s Hardened Runtime and the installer has been notarized to avoid security warnings on Mac.
Improved performance to load the user interface.
Improved VST parameter value display in some host applications.
Fixed bypass that did not let MIDI messages go thru for some MIDI plug-ins.
Fixed some GUI resizing issues with some VST3 plug-ins.
Fixed signal overflow issues with the Reverb built-in plug-in for some surround configurations.

Warning: presets and sessions saved with this new version will not reload properly with older versions of PatchWork (params maps will be lost).

System Requirements
An Intel or Apple Silicon processor.
Mac OS 10.9 or newer.
For the plug-in, any VST / Audio Unit / AAX compatible application (64-bit) .
For the standalone application, a Core Audio compatible audio interface.