TeamCubeadooby | 6 September 2022 | WiN x64 VST3/2/AAX + Jbridge x86 | 13 MB

Unfiltered Audio 带着他们最强大的插件回归了。 BYOME(“构建您自己的模块化效果”)将 Unfiltered 的无尽调制选项与 40 多个效果模块的集合相结合。每种效果都经过精心设计和测试,可在不牺牲可用性的情况下达到最大效果。

您是否正在寻找一种混响来让您的音轨与众不同?看看 Deep Reverb,一个带有无限回声的巨大大气金矿,经过定制调整,让您的合成器听起来像史诗般的。想要更多实验性的东西吗?在机架扩展格式之外,Unfiltered 的经典 Renoun Reverb 首次回归,这是一种经过调制的混响,可以在经典房间和不可能的几何形状之间干净地变形。想要更多? Lofi Reverb 模块的灵感来自计算机音乐先驱的经典录音,并具有十种独立的混响算法!

从 Sandman Pro 的 Instant Delay 到 Fault 的移频器,这里展示了许多 Unfiltered Audio 的传奇算法。还有许多新算法,包括具有多达 48 个阶段和可变谐波全通调谐的强大移相器、具有多达 +/- 4 个八度音程和深度时移的大型 Granulator,以及具有四个用于制作任何材料谐波的平行梳状滤波器。

BYOME 不仅适用于声音设计师和音乐家。它也是一个令人难以置信的多功能混合工具!查看 Stereo Image 模块,它包含八个带有简化控制的经典混音技巧(包括一个快速按钮,用于检查单声道混音的声音)。这些算法包括“Micro Pitch”,一种微妙地改变两个通道的方法,“Micro Delay”,“Mid/Side EQ”,或狂野的“Rotation”,它将你的混音映射到一个想象的圆圈并在空间中旋转.需要动态效果?在快速自动压缩器、深度压缩器、专用限制器和流行的 G8 噪声门之间进行选择。动态效果也与外部侧链兼容。我们还包括一个具有独特“统一增益”功能的 3 波段均衡器和一个具有多个声相定律的声相器。想要一个深度的自动平移器?只需将 Panner 连接到我们令人难以置信的调制系统。

说到调制系统,我们添加了许多新功能和模块。对于初学者,输入跟随器可以监控主输入或外部侧链。你有没有想过制作一个可以根据底鼓改变大小的混响?现在你可以。我们从压缩器 Zip 中提取了广受好评的分析工具,并将其转换为 Spectral Follower 模块。您可以从亮度和噪声等功能生成包络跟随器,而不是只听信号的幅度。

为了帮助您入门,BYOME 包含一个庞大的库,其中包含 400 多个预设,涵盖多种流派和技术。对于更有实验精神的人,Unfiltered Audio 与 Glitchmachines 的 Ivo Ivanov 合作,创建了 70 个尖端预设,专为制作未来派的鼓和打击乐器而设计。

Unfiltered Audio 创造了他们的杰作。
欢迎来到 BYOME,您的新效果环境。

一个立方体 说
你不是。 ?哦,嘿,我想我看到了V.R



如果您使用 Jbridge 并安装了它,那么
也允许安装 Jbridge 文件。它需要
它自己的 GUI,并被设置为这样。

尽情享受吧! -TeamCubeadooby

1.3.0 版(2022 年 3 月 30 日)
– 添加了 Apple Silicon 支持

Windows 7 到 10


Unfiltered Audio has returned with their most powerful plugin yet. BYOME (“Build Your Own Modular Effect”) combines Unfiltered’s endless modulation options with a collection of over 40 effect modules. Each effect has been meticulously engineered and tested for maximum impact without sacrificing usability.

Are you looking for a reverb to set your tracks apart? Check out Deep Reverb, a massive atmospheric goldmine with infinite echoes, custom tuned to make your synths sound epic. Want something more experimental? For the first time outside of the Rack Extension format, Unfiltered’s classic Renoun Reverb is back, a modulated reverb that can cleanly morph between classic rooms and impossible geometries. Want even more? The Lofi Reverb module is inspired by the classic recordings of computer music pioneers and features ten separate reverb algorithms!

Many of Unfiltered Audio’s legendary algorithms are represented here, from Sandman Pro’s Instant Delay to Fault’s Frequency Shifter. There are many new algorithms as well, including a powerful Phaser with up to 48 stages and variable harmonic all-pass tuning, a massive Granulator with up to +/- 4 octaves of pitch shifting and deep time shifting, and a Resonator Bank with four parallel comb filters for making any material harmonic.

BYOME isn’t only for sound designers and musicians. It’s an incredibly versatile mixing tool as well! Check out the Stereo Image module, a collection of eight classic mixing tricks with simplified controls (including a quick button to check what a mono mixdown would sound like). These algorithms include “Micro Pitch,” a method for subtly pitch shifting both channels, “Micro Delay,” “Mid/Side EQ,” or the wild “Rotation,” which maps your mix to an imaginary circle and spins it around in space. Need a Dynamics effect? Choose between the quick Auto Compressor, the deeper Compressor, the purpose-built Limiter, and the popular Noise Gate from G8. The Dynamics effects are compatible with external sidechains as well. We’ve also included a 3-Band EQ with a unique “Unity Gain” feature and a Panner with multiple pan laws. Want a deep Auto-Panner? Simply hook up the Panner to our incredible modulation system.

Speaking of the modulation system, we’ve added many new features and modules. For starters, the Input Follower can either monitor the main input or an external sidechain. Have you ever wanted to make a reverb that changes sizes in response to a kick? Now you can. We’ve extracted our critically-acclaimed analysis tools from our compressor, Zip, and turned it into the Spectral Follower module. Instead of only listening to a signal’s amplitude, you can generate an envelope follower from features like Brightness and Noisiness.

To get you started, BYOME includes a massive library of over 400 presets spanning a number of genres and techniques. For the more experimentally minded, Unfiltered Audio has partnered with Ivo Ivanov of Glitchmachines for the creation of 70 cutting-edge presets designed for the production of futuristic drums and percussion.

Unfiltered Audio has created their masterpiece.
Welcome to BYOME, your new effect environment.

A Cube says
We hope the witches are nice. Just kidding.
We know they are. Hello from somewhere else
that you’re not. ? Oh hey, I think I see V.R
partying it down that way!

Just install!

Plugins will show up under “Plugin Alliance” as
the manufacturer.

If you use Jbridge and have it installed, then
allow the install of Jbridge files too. It needs
its own GUI, and is set as such.

Rock on and enjoy! -TeamCubeadooby

Whats new in this version
Version 1.3.0 (Mar 30, 2022)
– added Apple Silicon support

System Requirements
Windows 7 through 10