SEnki | 05 September 2022 | 73.6 MB

未经过滤的音频通过 Needlepoint 提高了标准(并降低了唱臂):乙烯基模拟的一场革命。它采用一整盘先进的物理建模技术,提供了转盘噪音的温暖、模糊的声音。巧妙地将其用于最令人信服的乙烯基仿真中,或者将针头推向现实主义之外,以获得一些严重扭曲的声音。

虽然许多乙烯基插件都满足于使用乙烯基噪音的循环样本,但 Needlepoint 使用物理建模来实现其令人难以置信的声音。它在唱片上合成各种大小的碎屑和痛苦:头发、尘螨、划痕、翘曲等等。这些不是随机建模的,而是准确地分布在一个虚拟旋转的算法盘上。

改变仿真速度以改变 Needlepoint 的音色,超越 33 1/3、45 和 78 等传统 RPM,甚至可以将转盘同步到 DAW 的速度!使用 SPINDOWN 按钮创建经典的黑胶停止(和开始)声音。调整 WOW 和 FLUTTER,并探索 BROKEN 模式以生成不可预知的循环效果和剪切、故障的乐句。或者,利用颗粒状的音高移位器来帮助您在不改变音轨速度的情况下实现切碎的氛围。

除了噪音、氛围和乙烯基效果之外,Needlepoint 还包括其他处理器来帮助完全蚀刻您的氛围。其中最主要的是一个单旋钮压缩器,它从与乙烯基节拍制作相关的著名硬件采样器中重新创建算法,甚至可以模仿由乙烯基压制过程引入的模拟失真。

由于界面美观且易于使用,再加上大量的手工预设,Needlepoint 将帮助您在作品中消除怀旧之情,并为您的音轨添加真正的模拟凹槽,无论您是否需要它是微妙的或过顶。

• 物理建模的乙烯基仿真,以令人信服的怀旧方式降低您的音频质量
• 从各种经典和自定义转盘速度中进行选择
• 通过对 WOW、FLUTTER 和 PITCH 的连续控制来扭曲您的声音,这些控制很容易手动自动化
• 使用 BROKEN 模式获得模拟式循环、断断续续和毛刺效果
• SPINDOWN 按钮可实现真正的黑胶停止和启动效果
• 板载单旋钮压缩器,具有 6 种风味模式
• 可定制的界面,可选择漂亮的配色方案
• 一整套手工预设,适用于微妙和严重的弯音


Windows 11 到 Windows 8


The authentic sound of vinyl—and beyond
Unfiltered Audio raises the bar (and lowers the tonearm) with Needlepoint: a revolution in vinyl simulation. Featuring a full platter of advanced physical modeling technology, it offers a deep into the warm, fuzzy sound of turntable noises. Use it subtly for among the most convincing vinyl emulations available, or push the needle far past realism for some seriously warped sounds.

Physical modeling for enhanced realism
While many vinyl plugins are content to use looping samples of vinyl noise, Needlepoint uses physical modeling to achieve its incredible sounds. It synthesizes all sorts and sizes of detritus and distress on a record: hair, dust mites, scratches, warping, and more. These are not randomly modeled, but rather accurately distributed onto a virtually rotating, algorithmic platter.

Classic vinyl effects with creative, next-gen controls
Change the speed of the emulation to alter Needlepoint’s tone, going beyond conventional RPMs like 33 1/3, 45, and 78–and even tempo syncing the turntable to your DAW! Use the SPINDOWN button to create classic vinyl stop (and start) sounds. Adjust WOW and FLUTTER, and explore the BROKEN mode to generate unpredictable looping effects and cut-up, glitchy phrases. Or, take advantage of the granular pitch shifter to help you achieve a chopped up vibe without changing the speed of your tracks.

Tone shaping that’s powerful, intuitive, and fun
Beyond noise, ambience, and vinyl effects, Needlepoint includes other processors to help fully etch out your vibe. Chief among them is a single knob compressor that recreates algorithms from famous hardware samplers associated with vinyl-based beatmaking, and can even mimic the analog distortion introduced by the vinyl pressing process.

Complex processing that’s easy to control
Thanks to an interface that’s beautiful to look at and incredibly easy to use—plus an extensive set of handcrafted presets—Needlepoint will help you scratch that nostalgic itch in your productions and add true analog groove to your tracks, whether you need it to be subtle or over-the-top.

• Physically modeled vinyl emulation to degrade your audio in persuasively nostalgic ways
• Choose from a variety of classic and custom turntable speeds
• Warp your sound with continuous control over WOW, FLUTTER and PITCH that’s easy to automate by hand
• Use the BROKEN mode for analog-style looping, stutter and glitch effects
• A SPINDOWN button for authentic vinyl stop and start effects
• Onboard single knob compressor with 6 flavorful modes
• Customizable interface with choice of beautiful color schemes
• A full suite of handcrafted presets for subtle and severe tonebending alike

Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

System Requirements
Windows 11 down to Windows 8