FANTASTiC | 06 October 2022 | 794 MB

Game Weapons – Gun & Firearm Sound Effects 库包括 1557 种枪支、枪支和战争 SFX – 经过数月的开发以及无数的源录制和编辑会话,Game Weapons – Gun & Firearm Sound Effects 库已准备好进行最严格的制作。该库基于广泛的研究和从现实生活 (IRL) 中录制的原始声音构建而成,为制作人提供了专门为游戏和视频应用程序制作的完整武器和枪支声音库。

这个全原创系列具有各种武器风格,从经典的枪械声音到想象中的科幻武器声音。轻松承担需要枪声效果和电影枪声设计的任何类型的音频项目。这个库非常实用,并具有范围广泛的 Halo 和 Borderland 武器风格音效、狙击手、步枪、霰弹枪、枪支处理、爆炸、免版税枪支声音等目录。

游戏武器音效 – 完整的枪械音效和制作解决方案
Game Weapons 总共包含 1557 个 SFX – 灵感来自于热门视频游戏,如无主之地、Game Weapons,是一个精心制作和想象的枪支和枪支音效制作套件,里面装满了将军最好的枪声、能量爆破器、激光、大炮、武器、机制、处理、技术和范围涵盖多种风格类型,如自然和最小到混合和高度处理的游戏音频资产。该库被组织成流行的类别,可以更容易地在以下文件夹结构中创建出色的幻想和现实对抗、游戏体验:自动枪、低音打击、子弹高手、布、元素枪、爆炸、手枪、重型枪支、步枪、霰弹枪、特殊枪声、弹药筒、子弹下落、枪支处理、杠杆、重装、触发器和 UI 开关。

这个 SFX 库的丰富性将迎合需要大量不同类型武器、游戏声音设计、变体文件、源和拟音声音的游戏开发人员和声音设计师。它已全副武装,可用于枪战场景、FPS 游戏、动画、预告片、移动应用程序、动态图形、电影、软件等。它还提供开箱即用的 96k 24 位 .wav 文件格式的清晰度和准确性。内置 1500 多种音效,您可以轻松创建错综复杂的枪战、身临其境的战斗、猛攻、战争、史诗预告片、FPS、MMO 游戏武器、爆炸、屠杀、残暴和控制台风格的战斗游戏声音和感觉。

Game Weapons sfx 系列的美妙之处在于它包含了构建枪支/枪支声音设计所需的一切。您会发现设计的机制、扳机扳机、手柄、弹匣,以及一系列枪声和武器样式。此外,声音库包括 670 多种拟音/有机 SFX、杠杆、幻灯片、动作、抓取、目标、音调、纹理、图层、拟音、现场录音,可帮助您使预先存在的声音更甜美或创建您自己的自定义枪支和武器声音.凭借这两种设计、拟音/有机声音效果的高品质混合 – 我们相信您将完全锁定并加载到比赛中。现在,您可以使用正确的工具自信地面对任何与消防相关的音频项目。使用 Game Weapons,您将创造出最好的作品,仍然保持原创,并节省大量时间和精力。

•880 设计游戏准备就绪- 枪声和爆炸声效果
•677 种经过编辑和游戏就绪的拟音音效 – 构建您自己的枪声或增甜
•全部为 96k 24 位 .wav
•1 个增压设计的枪械音效库和游戏武器音频制作套件
•192 设计突击步枪、高科技、冲锋枪、机枪、连发、单发、手动、弹匣、重装
• 55 种设计的低音打击,可增加更强劲的低端
•7 设计的子弹弹跳
• 13 种设计的布料动作、瞄准、抓取、皮套
•44 设计元素枪声——酸、电、火、玻璃、冰、金属、石头、水
•64 种爆炸音效——爆炸、爆炸、遥远、手榴弹、大炮、独特
•139 种设计手枪——未来主义、高科技、手枪、左轮手枪、简化
•47 种重型火器——能量、手榴弹、导弹、火箭——对凡人和大炮有用
• 121 种设计步枪——螺栓、高科技、枪托、跟踪步枪——操控、机制、光学等。
• 131 种设计的霰弹枪声音 – 突破动作、未来主义、高科技、泵、半自动、库存射击等。
• 67 种设计的特殊枪声 – 爆能枪、光束、演示、碎片、手炮、管枪、摇摆枪等
• 30 种拟音弹药筒声音——打开、关闭、处理、移动
• 380 次拟音子弹下落 – 多个表面 – 混凝土、地毯、木材光亮、木材致密
多个和单个子弹下落 – 每个表面和节奏 4-5 口径 – 9mm、.45、.223、.300、.308 炮弹。
• 142 次拟音枪处理 – 重型、轻型、放下、拾起、瞄准、枪套、掉落、击打、装备
• 28 种拟音杆声音,用于螺栓动作机构运动和金属武器滑轨
• 39 种枪支重装声音——0.22 口径步枪、AR-15、M14 和霰弹枪
• 33 种枪触发声音 – .22 口径步枪、AR-15、M14 和霰弹枪
•25 拟音用户界面和开关声音——插入、锁定、安全
• 非常适合第一人称射击游戏、战斗场景(现实和科幻)和战争相关制作
•所有音效均适用于 youtube 且免版税


Game Weapons – Gun & Firearm Sound Effects library includes 1557 gun, firearm and war SFX – After months of development, and countless source recording and editing sessions, Game Weapons – Gun & Firearm Sound Effects library is ready for the most exacting of productions. Built from extensive research, and raw sounds recorded from real life (IRL), this library provides producers with a complete armory of weaponry and firearm sounds made specifically for games and video application.

This all original collection features various weapons styles, from classic firearm sounds to imaginary sci-fi weapon sounds. Easily take on any type of audio project where gun sound effects & cinematic firearm sound design is needed. This library is highly practical and features a wide-ranging catalog of Halo & Borderland weapon styled sounds effects, snipers, rifles, shotguns, gun handlings, explosions, royalty-free firearm sounds & much more.

Game Weapons Sound Effects – A Complete Gun & Firearms Sound FX & Production Solution
Game Weapons includes a total of 1557 SFX – Inspired by hit video games like Borderlands, Game Weapons, is an expertly crafted and imagined gun & firearms sound effects production suite stocked full with the general’s finest gunshots, energy blasters, lasers, cannons, weaponry, mechanisms, handling, techniques, and ranges across many style types like natural and minimal to hybrid and highly processed game audio assets. The library is organized into popular categories that make it easier to create outstanding fantasy & realistic confrontations, gaming experiences in the following folder structure: Automatic Guns, Bass Hits, Bullet Whiz, Cloth, Elemental Guns, Explosions, Handguns, Heavy Firearms, Rifles, Shotgun, Special Gunshots, Ammo Canisters, Bullet Drops, Gun Handling, Levers, Reloads, Triggers, & UI Switches.

Easy to Use Gun Sound Effects for Film, Games and Video
The richness of this SFX library shall cater to game developers & sound designers who need lots of different types of weapons, game sound design, variation files, source & foley sounds to play with. It’s fully armed & ready to use in shootout scenes, FPS games, animations, trailers, mobile apps, motion graphics, film, software & more. It also provides out of the box clarity & accuracy of 96k 24bit .wav file format. With 1500+ sound effects inside, you’ll have no problem creating intricate gun sequences, immersive battles, onslaughts, warfare, epic trailers, FPS, MMO game weapons, explosions, carnage, brutality, and console styled combat game sound and feels.

Production-ready or Construct Your Own Weapon Sound Effects
The beauty of the Game Weapons sfx collection is that it includes everything you need to build gun/firearm sound designs. You’ll find designed mechanisms, trigger pulls, handlings, magazines, on top of a range of gunshots & weapon styles. Plus the sound library includes 670+ foley/organic SFX, levers, slides, movements, grabs, aims, tones, textures, layers, foley, field recordings that help you sweeten pre-existing sounds or create your very own custom gun and weapon sounds. With this high caliber mixture of both designed, foley/organic sound effects – we are convinced you will be fully locked & loaded to smoke the competition. Now you can confidently face any fire-fight related audio project with the right tools. With Game Weapons you’ll create your best work, still remain original, and save tons of time and effort.

Product details:
•880 designed game ready – gun & explosion sound effects
•677 edited & game ready foley sound effects – build your own gun sounds or sweeten
•Over 50 minutes of game audio & SFX
•All in 96k 24bit .wav
•1 supercharged designed firearms sound effects library & game weapons audio production suite
•192 designed assault rifles, hi-tech, SMG, machine gun, burst, single shot, handing, magazines, reloading
•55 designed bass hits for adding more punchy low end
•7 designed bullet ricochets
•13 designed cloth movements, aim, grab, holster
•44 designed elemental gunshots – acid, electric, fire, glass, ice, metal, stone, water
•64 explosion sound effects – blasts, detonation, distant, grenade, cannon, unique
•139 designed handguns – futuristic, hi-tech, pistol, revolver, simplify
•47 designed heavy firearms – energy, grenade, missile, rocket – useful for mortals & artillery
•121 designed rifles – bolt, hi-tech, stock shots, tracking rifles – handling, mechanisms, optics & more.
•131 designed shotgun sounds – break action, futuristic, hi-tech, pump, semi auto, stock shots & more.
•67 designed special gunshots – blaster, beam, demo, fragment, hand cannon, pipe gun, wobbly gun & more
•30 foley ammo canister sounds – open, close, handling, movement
•380 foley bullet drops – multiple surfaces – concrete, carpet, wood bright, wood dense
multiple & single bullet drops – 4-5 calibers for each surface & cadence- 9mm, .45, .223, .300, .308 shells.
•142 foley gun handlings – heavy, light, set down, pick up, aim, holster, drop, hit, equip
•28 foley lever sounds for bolt action mechanism movement & metal weapon slides
•39 gun reloading sounds – .22 caliber rifle, AR-15, M14 & Shotgun
•33 gun trigger sounds – .22 caliber rifle, AR-15, M14 & Shotgun
•25 foley user interface & switch sounds – insert, lock, safety
•Everything needed for your game: guns, firearms, handling, bullets & explosions!
•Brutally good for first person shooter games, battle scenes (both realistic & sci-fi) & warfare related productions
•All sound effects are youtube friendly & royalty-free