FANTASTiC | 10 October 2022 | 645 MB

一个超级有趣的包,包含乐观的旋律、驱动的贝斯线、紧凑的节拍、怀旧的声音和令人上瘾的循环,可与多种流派配合使用,包括 House、Electro、Future Bass 和任何寻找复古风格的东西。

“Halcyon”是一个高度集中的样本包,它专注于一个声音并且做得非常好。但是,尽管它的方向性很强,它也吸引了过多的流派,这使“Halcyon”成为了自己的联盟​​。沿着 Fool’s Gold Records 和 Monstercat 的思路思考声音概念。与所有 Zenhiser 包一样,基本的基础已经被覆盖,这赋予了长寿、精致和灵巧。需要新的灵感,完成,旋律循环来构建你未来的曲目,瞧,一个镜头来构建新的概念,排序甚至是 midi 来探索几乎无限的可能性,当然!



•Song Starter / Stem Songs x5
•击鼓 – 01 踢 – 26
•击鼓 – 02 Hi Hat – 26
•鼓击 – 03 拍手 – 25
•Drum Hits – 04 Snare – 27
•Drum Hits – 05 打击乐 – 30
•Drum Hits – 06 Cymbal – 06
•Drum Hits – 07 Ride – 02
•Loops – Bassline – 25
•循环 – 鼓节拍 – 75
•循环 – 完全混合 – 25
•循环 – 合成器 – 29
•One Shots – 低音 – 50
•一次射击 – FX – 50
•One Shots – 垫 – 08
•One Shots – 合成器 – 38

速度 – 94bpm – 115bpm
关键信息 – 是
音频 – 24 位 Wav


A super fun pack of upbeat melodies, driving basslines, tight beats, nostalgic sounds and addictive loops that will work with a multitude of genres including House, Electro, Future Bass and anything looking for some retro flair.

‘Halcyon’ is a highly focused sample pack, it hones in on one sound and does it extremely well. But even though its very directional it also appeals to a plethora of genres, this puts ‘Halcyon’ into its own league of its own. Think along the lines of Fool’s Gold Records and Monstercat for sonic concepts. As with all Zenhiser packs, the essential bases have been covered which gives longevity, finess and dexterity. Need stems for new inspiration, done, melody loops for building blocks of your future tracks, voila, one shots to construct new concepts, sorted and even midi to explore near endless possibilities, of course!

Some truly inspiring techniques were used to create the sonic structure of this pack like fusing electric bass guitar with foley sounds for fresh wavetables. Tape deck sampling with warbling, analogue synths fused with modular synthesis, we could go on but we’re here to turbocharge your tracks not bore you with facts! So get involved, grab ‘Halcyon’ and start indulging with fresh, new sounds for your studio.


•Song Starter / Stem Songs x5
•Includes basslines, drums, pads, synths, aprs, fx
•Drum Hits – 01 Kick – 26
•Drum Hits – 02 Hi Hat – 26
•Drum Hits – 03 Clap – 25
•Drum Hits – 04 Snare – 27
•Drum Hits – 05 Percussion – 30
•Drum Hits – 06 Cymbal – 06
•Drum Hits – 07 Ride – 02
•Loops – Bassline – 25
•Loops – Drum Beat – 75
•Loops – Full Mix – 25
•Loops – Synth – 29
•One Shots – Bass – 50
•One Shots – FX – 50
•One Shots – Pad – 08
•One Shots – Synth – 38

Tempo – 94bpm – 115bpm
Key Info – Yes
Audio – 24-Bit Wav