TeamCubedooby | x64: VST3, VST2, AAX | x86: JBridge files for 32 bit usage | 6.0 MB

自发行以来,Unfiltered Audio的《睡魔》以其切割式的天才让混音工程师、音效设计师和dj们惊叹不已。一个严重的嗜睡症的延迟插件,睡魔使用它的睡眠模式冻结它的延迟缓冲区创建惊人的循环和颗粒,可以重调,降低采样,反向播放,肮脏的噪音和调制-转化和突变的声音超越所有识别!使用非常短的延迟时间,变形的睡魔交替成为一个凸缘,结巴发生器,波状合成器或敲击谐振器。但《睡魔》还擅长制作传统的回声和立体声乒乓效果,提供从拍打到比咖啡休息时间还长的延迟时间。

Unfiltered Audio的疯狂科学家们从未满足过太久,他们将睡魔的多功能性提升了几个等级。新的睡魔Pro增加了7种新的延迟模式-每一种都配有自己的一套可调控制-这大大扩展了它的声音调色板,同时驾驶最大延迟时间达到惊人的16分钟。使用经典磁带模式,以虚拟磁带饱和,wow和颤振起泡回声,循环和颗粒。无手工的多点模式给你一个巨大的16同步延迟线祝福人声和吉他独奏与巨大的加倍和体育场大小的回声效果。使用超平滑的反向模式产生无点击,令人难忘的反向回声。与使用其他延迟不同的是,你可以在现代即时模式下调节睡魔Pro的延迟时间,而不产生可听到的音高工件,这非常适合在一个短语结束时从加倍到回声跟踪的清晰过渡的声音效果。使用双单音移音模式来创建声乐和声,经典的微光效果,金属纹理和更多。或者使用Glitch Shifter模式进行时髦的音调转换,这听起来,嗯,完全错误!还不够糟糕?调节睡眠按钮在无回声模式疯狂结巴和故障效果。睡魔Pro可以听起来很干净,严重损坏或介于两者之间。

但还有更多。Sandman Pro包括Unfiltered Audio的旗舰调制系统,从1.1版本开始,现在有八种不同类型的调制器,包括一种特殊的调制模式,可以与ROLI Lightpad控制面无缝集成。每一个Sandman Pro的控制是自动使用Unfiltered的自由分配LFOs。没有得到你想要的基于正弦的LFOs的模式?没问题-你也可以用一个完整的步进排序器来调制参数-这是v1.1中的另一个新特性。

睡魔Pro可以实现的音调和纹理的范围是真正无限的。使用高反馈水平,新的扩散网络层混响与您的回声和多点延迟。通过立体声延迟,你可以抵消左右延迟时间,并应用跨通道反馈来创建复杂的多节奏乒乓回声和相位睡眠缓冲循环。反转Sleep缓冲区以使用反向信封转换粒度。或者锁定缓冲的长度,并调整其开始和结束点,以改变谷物的间距。内置的低通和高通滤波器雕刻你疯狂的创作的音色,而新的软剪辑功能增加了模拟风格的饱和度。M/S模式与宽度控制一起工作,在左和右通道输出中混合中间和边通道,将Sandman Pro转换为中间边编码器。M/S宽度控制调节湿信号的立体声场从单声道到立体声到超宽立体声。


-增加了Apple Silicon支持

版本1.3 (02/18/2020)
– HiDPI支持改进

从Windows 11到Windows 8


Since its release, Unfiltered Audio’s Sandman has wowed mix engineers, sound designers and DJs alike with its slice-and-dice genius. A delay plugin with a severe narcoleptic bent, Sandman uses its Sleep mode to freeze its delay buffer to create stunning loops and grains that can be re-pitched, down-sampled, played in reverse, dirtied with noise and modulated — transforming and mutating sounds beyond all recognition! Using very short delay times, the shape-shifting Sandman alternately becomes a flanger, stutter generator, wavetable synthesizer or percussion resonator. But Sandman also excels at producing traditional echo and stereo ping-pong effects, providing delay times ranging from slapback to longer than a coffee break.

Never satisfied for long, the mad scientists at Unfiltered Audio have pushed Sandman’s versatility up several notches. The new Sandman Pro adds seven new delay modes — each fitted with its own set of adjustable controls — that greatly expand its sonic palette while driving maximum delay times to a staggering 16 minutes. Use Classic Tape mode to lather echoes, loops and grains with virtual tape saturation, wow and flutter. The artifact-free Multi-Tap mode gives you a whopping 16 simultaneous delay lines to bless vocals and guitar solos with mammoth doubling and stadium-size echo effects. Use the ultra-smooth Reverse mode to produce click-free, haunting reverse echoes. Unlike with using other delays, you can modulate Sandman Pro’s delay time in Modern Instant mode without producing audible pitch artifacts—great for cleanly transitioning vocal effects from doubling to echo trails at the end of a phrase. Use the dual-mono Pitch Shifter mode to create vocal harmonies, classic shimmer effects, metallic textures and more. Or use Glitch Shifter mode for funky pitch shifting that sounds, um, just plain wrong! Not messed up enough? Modulate the Sleep button in No Echo mode for crazy stutter and glitch effects. Sandman Pro can sound squeaky clean, severely damaged or anything in between.

But there’s more. Sandman Pro includes Unfiltered Audio’s flagship modulation system, and as of version 1.1, there are now eight different types of modulators, including a special modulation mode for seamless integration with the ROLI Lightpad control surface. Every one of Sandman Pro’s controls is automatable using Unfiltered’s freely assignable LFOs. Not getting the patterns you want with sine-based LFOs? No problem – you can also modulate parameters with a full blown step sequencer – another new feature in v1.1.

The range of tones and textures that the Sandman Pro can achieve is truly limitless. Using high feedback levels, the new diffusion network layers reverb with your echoes and multi-tap delays. And with stereo delays, you can offset the left and right delay times and apply cross-channel feedback to create intricate polyrhythmic ping-pong echoes and phase-y Sleep-buffer loops. Reverse the Sleep buffer to transform grains with backward envelopes. Or lock the length of the buffer and adjust its start and end points to change the grain’s pitch. Built-in lowpass and highpass filters sculpt your mad creation’s timbre, while the new Soft Clip function adds analog-style saturation. M/S mode works with the Width control to blend mid and side channels in left- and right-channel outputs, transforming Sandman Pro into a mid-side encoder. M/S Width control adjusts the wet signal’s stereo field from mono to stereo to super-wide stereo.

Brimming with new features, from beautiful to bizarre, Sandman Pro is the indisputable Swiss army knife of the delay world.

Whats new in this version
Version 1.4.0 (Mar 30, 2022)
– added Apple Silicon support

Version 1.3 (02/18/2020)
– Full Catalina support and notarization
– HiDPI support improvement
– OpenGL Removed

System Requirements
Windows 11 down to Windows 8