Team DECiBEL | 21 Oct 2022 | 7.65GB




之后,我们对它们进行了处理,并将表演安排为制作准备的循环和音乐音效,同时将每个声音处理成你可以在我们的管弦乐集合中找到的发音。因此,《ARCHITECTURE OF SOUND》仍然是一个可玩的虚拟集合,而不只是一堆昙花一现的样本。


ARCHITECTURE OF SOUND库包含一个模板补丁,你可以用它来构建自己的音乐声景和效果。键盘的演奏范围分为两类:调性和无调性的声音。



库的内容是在Sofia Session Studio A用3个麦克风位置录制的——Close, Decca和Hall。对于每一个,你有选项清除(开/关按钮),单独或静音。此外,您还可以调整音量和立体声宽度。


– 8种声学音乐雕塑在一个环境大厅播放和记录
-超过100个策划独特的声音分裂在不同的类别,如循环,boom, Hits, Scrapes,无人机,色调Perc,铃铛和反转
– 3个麦克风位置(关闭,台卡,大厅)

本地仪器Kontakt 6.6.1+完整版本需要-免费播放器不支持
大约15GB -归档文件约7.3GB,解压缩库约7.6 GB
4 gb的内存


Hear and see the ingenious result of a chance discovery. The definition of “unique sounds” – 8 one of a kind acoustic sculptures. Perfect for Horror Scoring or any Audio Production which is in need of some breathtaking never before heard sounds.

A collection of deeply sampled custom built instruments, which we call sculptures. Perfect for Horror Scoring or any Audio Production which is in need of some breathtaking never before heard sounds.

All the organic sounds within the library are produced by 8 different sculptures created by Bulgarian sculptor Martian Tabakov.
We recorded those strange and charismatic sounds while “playing” on each of those sculptures with a number of different mallets, sticks, brushes and of course, bows.

Afterwards we processed them and arranged the performances into production ready loops and musical sound effects, while treating each sound like an articulation you would find in one of our orchestral collections. Due to that ARCHITECTURE OF SOUND is still a playable virtual collection and not just a pile of oneshot samples.

Built for the full version of Native Instrument’s Kontakt ARCHITECTURE OF SOUND can be further tweaked and customized thanks to the brandnew UI, which is based on our X3M Percussion Engine.

The ARCHITECTURE OF SOUND library consists of a single template patch with which you are able to build your own music soundscapes and effects. The playing range of the keyboard is split into two categories: Tonal and Atonal sounds.

On the lowest two octaves of the keyboard (C0 and C1) you have 4 atonal zones, which can be used to load and play any of the percussive sounds within the library from the browser in the center of the GUI. Those 4 zones are functioning the same way any of our other X3M engine libraries do – any of the keys within a zone is cycling through the round robins of the selected instrument.

After the mentioned 4 percussion zones, there are two more tonal zones, each with a range of 2 octaves: first tonal zone starting at C2, and the second one – at C4. On each of those you are able to choose, load and play any of the tonal instruments, divided into 7 different categories – Drones, Drones 2 (Sound design), Tonal Percs, Bells, Bends, Reverses, Loops.

The content of the library was recorded in Sofia Session Studio A with 3 microphone positions – Close, Decca and Hall. For each of those, you have the option to Purge (the ON/OFF button), Solo or Mute. In addition, you can adjust the volume and the stereo width.

– 8 one of a kind accoustic musical sculptures played and recorded in an ambient hall
– Over 100 curated unique sounds split among different categories like Loops, Booms, Hits, Scrapes, Drones, Tonal Perc, Bells and Reversed
– Production ready content as well as organic and raw material
– 3 Microphone Positions (Close, Decca, Hall)
– Playable Patches with multiple Dynamic Layers and Round Robins
– Further processing made simple thanks to a brandnew custom built UI
– Map your own Template Patches using the X3M Percussion Browser and Mapping Features

Native Instruments Kontakt 6.6.1+ FULL version required – FREE Player NOT SUPPORTED
Approximately 15GB – ~7.3GB for the archive files, and ~7.6 GB for the unpacked library
4GB of RAM