团队分贝| 2022年10月22日| 923.0MB


记录与纽曼和Oktava麦克和预先与一个SPL Goldmike, 260 +打击乐一枪让你的创造力驰骋与无限的节奏模式的可能性世界。与额外的280打击循环爆发的能量和传染性的节奏准备注入到您的轨道。在这之上是选择的组合循环,鼓循环,音乐循环,和SFX镜头提供了无尽的灵感。最后但并非最不重要的,是美味的收集填充物,以帮助释放紧张,并提供完美的过渡,贯穿你的轨迹。

这些声音非常适合拉丁美洲风格,因为它们有朗朗上口的节奏,但它们也可以适合任何需要一点生命力的风格,从House或Funk到Bossa Nova。广泛的节奏范围也使这些样品多种老派和新派风格。无论你制作什么样的音乐风格,抓住“拉丁美洲打击乐”给你的作品带来热量!

7 SFX One Shots


Team DECiBEL | 22 Oct 2022 | 923.0MB

Get prepared for a serious floor shaking, feet stomping, Latin American Percussion bundle of a pack, from the percussion master himself, Basement Freaks! Containing 1.4GB of authentic and rare percussion sounds from over 25 instruments, whether you just need to add some unique and attention-grabbing ear candy to your drums or looking to build some classic percussion from the ground up, this pack has what you need to get that groove flowing.

Recorded with Neuman & Oktava mics and pre-amped with an SPL Goldmike, the 260 plus percussion one-shots let your creativity run wild with a world of possibilities for endless rhythmic patterns. With an additional 280 Percussion loops bursting with energy and contagious rhythm ready to inject into your tracks. On top of that is a selection of combo loops, drum loops, music loops, and SFX shots providing endless inspiration. Last but not least, is the tasty collection of Fills to help release tension and provide perfect transitions throughout your tracks.

These sounds are perfect for Latin American styles as they’ve got such a catchy rhythm, but they can fit any style needing a bit of life, from House or Funk to Bossa Nova. The wide range of tempos also lends these samples to multiple old-school and new-school styles. No matter what style of music your producing, grab ‘Latin American Percussion’ to bring the heat to your productions!

675 Total Samples
286 Percussion Loops
261 Percussion Shots
53 Fills
34 Music Loops
22 Drum One Shots
12 Combo Drum Loops
7 SFX One Shots