Wav | 891 MB

Psytrance样品包第2卷,我们与我的兄弟Inner Sphere一起在这里与827个精心制作的wav声音促进您的制作。


01 -踢+ 62
02 -低音线+ 36
03 – Hihat + 50
04 -开帽+ 50
05 – Snare & Clap + 30
06 -顶部循环+ 25
07 – Fm + 60
08 -外汇+ 50
09 -序列+ 125
野生自然之声+ 60
11 -冲击和钹+ 44
12 -立管+ 60
13 -打击和Fx击中+ 83
14 -电影鼓点+ 20
15 – Subdrop + 20
16 -白噪声+ 24
17 -鼓填充+ 28


WAV | 891 MB

Psytrance Sample Pack Vol.2 which we made together with my brother Inner Sphere is here with 827 well crafted wav sounds for boosting your productions.

Including :

01 – Kick + 62
02 – Bassline + 36
03 – Hihat + 50
04 – Open Hat + 50
05 – Snare & Clap + 30
06 – Top Loop + 25
07 – Fm + 60
08 – Fx + 50
09 – Sequence + 125
10 – Wild Nature Sounds + 60
11 – Impact & Cymbal + 44
12 – Riser + 60
13 – Percussion & Fx Hits + 83
14 – Cinematic Drums + 20
15 – Subdrop + 20
16 – White Noise + 24
17 – Drum Fills + 28