Team R2R | 01 Nov 2022 | 51.1MB

奥伯海姆SEM -一个简单的单音合成与巨大的声音
当汤姆·奥伯海姆在1974年创造了第一个奥伯海姆合成器扩展模块(模型em -1)时,他有一个目标——制作一个听起来很棒的合成器,同时使用起来非常简单。在这个标志性的合成器发布后的几十年里,它被无数传奇音乐家使用,使SEM成为有史以来最受尊敬的合成器之一。

除了煞费苦心地重新创造巨大的,不容置疑的声音的SEM, GForce奥伯海姆SEM还重新创造了原始的气质-一个简单的单音合成器,让你在瞬间塑造不可思议的声音。有了汤姆·奥伯海姆的认可,你可以相信它的真实性。加上这400多个分类预设,灵感只是瞬间的距离。

我们第一次与Tom Oberheim和Marcus Ryle(80年代的Oberheim工程师)合作创建GForce Oberheim OB-E v2。在此期间,Tom和Marcus透露,他们觉得没有软件模拟的SEM可以准确地重现原来单音SEM的声音和气质。我们决定改变这种情况,在Tom和Marcus的密切指导下,我们开发了GForce Oberheim SEM,以确保体验是真正真实的原始仪器。



在忠于原始的SEM的同时,我们还添加了一些增强功能,使GForce Oberheim SEM对现代音乐制作更加有用。除了一个新的VCO3,它作为音频速率LFO额外的调制和调频的可能性,SEM现在有速度-syncable LFO和一系列的性能控制通过速度和后触。我们还整合了一个有趣的,快速的琶音和音序器,并添加了立体声延迟和美丽茂盛的混响,以赞美您的声音。

最后,我们包括了400多个工厂预设由Dave Spiers, Graeme Rawson和Tom Wolfe设计,每个创建来演示SEM的不可思议的音速特性。每一个预设都被标记、分类,并且可以从预设浏览器快速访问。SEM甚至集成了GForce奥伯海姆OB-E,允许您加载您的SEM预置在任何设备。这让你能够快速地在SEM中勾勒出你的声音,然后在瞬间将它们变成复调。

SEM -主要特征

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macOS 10.13或以上版本


Team R2R | 01 Nov 2022 | 51.1MB

The Oberheim SEM – A Simple Monophonic Synth With A Huge Sound
When Tom Oberheim created the first Oberheim Synthesizer Expander Module (model SEM-1) in 1974, he had one goal – to make a synth that sounded great, whilst being extremely simple to use. In the decades since the release of this iconic synth, it’s been used by countless legendary musicians, making the SEM one of the most revered synthesizers of all time.

As well as painstakingly recreating the huge, unmistakable sound of the SEM, the GForce Oberheim SEM also recreates the ethos of the original – a simple monophonic synth that allows you to shape incredible sounds in an instant. And with Tom Oberheim’s seal of approval, you can be confident in its authenticity. Add to this more than 400+ categorised presets, and inspiration is just moments away.

Made In Collaboration With Oberheim
We first worked with Tom Oberheim and Marcus Ryle (an Oberheim engineer during the 80s) when creating the GForce Oberheim OB-E v2. During this time, Tom and Marcus revealed that they felt there were no software emulations of the SEM that accurately recreated the sound and the ethos of the original monophonic SEM. We decided to change that, and under the close guidance of Tom and Marcus, we developed the GForce Oberheim SEM to ensure an experience that is truly authentic to the original instrument.

The Authentic SEM Sound
Centered around two VCOs with Pulse and Sawtooth waveforms, two ADS Envelope Generators, one LFO, and a magical, legendary Multi-Mode Filter, the SEM sound is more than the sum of its parts. In the GForce Oberheim SEM, every section of the synth has been painstakingly emulated to ensure sonic authenticity. We’ve even modelled the authentic analog inaccuracies of the original SEM, blurring the lines between analog character and digital precision. All this makes the GForce Oberheim SEM the most authentic emulation of the SEM sound available.

Simple Never Sounded So Good
The beauty of the SEM truly lies in its simplicity. With a refined design and feature set, you can easily create warm basses, soaring leads and sweeping arps in an instant. This allows you to spend less time shaping your sounds, and more time making music.

Enhanced Where It Matters
While staying true to the original SEM, we also added a number of enhancements to make the GForce Oberheim SEM even more useful for modern music production. Alongside a new VCO3, which doubles as an audio rate LFO for additional modulation and FM possibilities, the SEM now has tempo-syncable LFOs and a host of performance controls via velocity and aftertouch. We’ve also integrated a fun, fast arpeggiator & sequencer, and added a stereo delay and a beautifully lush reverb to sonically compliment your sounds.

Finally, we’ve included 400+ factory presets designed by Dave Spiers, Graeme Rawson and Tom Wolfe, each created to demonstrate the incredible sonic character of the SEM. Every preset has been tagged, categorised and is quickly accessible from the preset browser. The SEM even integrates with the GForce Oberheim OB-E, allowing you to load your SEM presets in either device. This enables you to quickly sketch out your sounds in the SEM, and then make them polyphonic in an instant.

SEM – key features
Most authentic monophonic SEM experience and sound – small package, big sound.
The most playable SEM, full of character, and augmented with a 3rd VCO.
400+ factory Patches designed to fit in a mix, all tagged and categorised.
Librarian for easy access to the presets (Arrow Keys Navigation).
Sequencer, Arpeggiator, Stereo Delay, Reverb.
Undo/Redo, Extend and Flip mode.
SEM presets can be exported to and imported from OB-E.
Extensive Velocity & Aftertouch modulation.

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Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

System Requirements
Intel or Apple Silicon Mac
macOS 10.13 or above