TeamCubeadooby | x64: VST3, VST2, .aaxplugin – x:86 JBridge files | 16.1 MB

Unfiltered Audio G8 将动态声音塑造提升到一个新的水平。看似简单,G8 是一个远远超出任何普通噪声门可以做的工具。 G8 提供的 MIDI 输入/输出和交替门控模式在抑制噪音和塑造瞬变的常规任务方面做得很好,它打开了一个充满可能性的世界,让你忘记你甚至在使用“门”。

使用 G8 在持续的声音上创建动态节奏模式;使用 MIDI 输入触发 G8 上的包络或使用它来触发 MIDI 乐器上的音符;使用延迟和输出拒绝产生有趣的分形序列和自动平移效果。使用循环模式和 One-Shot,您可以使用 G8 的包络创建戏剧性的运动,将包络的时间值减少到几毫秒,从而实现 AM 合成。 G8 专家模式中的四通道输入允许对不同级别和类型的内容进行复杂的 DAW 内路由。 G8 可以拆分单个源的幅度,允许您将声音的两种不同特征路由到不同的轨道 – 主音轨和拒绝音轨。

从瞬态整形到恍惚门控再到多节奏节拍切片,G8 可以为您的声音增添一个全新的无限创意可能性。使用您的插件联盟帐户激活为期 14 天的全功能演示,亲自聆听!

•“循环”门控模式使您能够将 G8 用作口吃效果、AM/颗粒效果或颤音
•自定义 MIDI 输入/输出:使用乐器触发 G8 或从音轨中提取凹槽以使用 G8 触发乐器
•路由后门,“拒绝输出”到另一个轨道,或使用“翻转”模式将拒绝输出与 G8 的主输出交换,从本质上扭转 G8 的行为
• 门控信号的可变减少允许更精细的处理

立方体 说

1.6.0 版(2022 年 3 月 30 日)
– 添加了 Apple Silicon 支持

Windows 11 到 Windows 8


The Unfiltered Audio G8 takes dynamic sound shaping to the next level. Deceptively simple, G8 is a tool that reaches far beyond what any normal noise gate can do. While it does a great job at the usual tasks of rejecting noise and shaping transients, the MIDI in/out and alternate gating modes offered by G8 open a world of possibilities that let you forget you’re even using a ‘Gate’.

Use G8 to create dynamic rhythm patterns on sustained sounds; trigger an envelope on G8 with MIDI input or use it to trigger notes on a MIDI instrument; produce interesting fractal sequences and auto-panning effects with Delay and Output Reject. With Cycle Mode and One-Shot, you can create dramatic motion with G8’s envelope, reducing the time value of the envelope to mere milliseconds, resulting in AM synthesis. The four-channel input in the Expert Mode of G8 allows for complex in-DAW routing of different levels and types of content. G8 can split the amplitude of a single source, allowing you to route two different characteristics of your sound to different tracks – the Mains and the Reject.

From transient shaping to trance gating to polyrhythmic beat slicing, G8 can add a whole new level of endless creative possibilities to your sound. Activate the 14-day full function demo with your Plugin Alliance account to hear for yourself!

•‘Cycle’ gating mode gives you the ability to use G8 as a stutter effect, an AM/granular effect, or a tremolo
•‘One-shot’ gating mode allows for surgical transient shaping from any type of sound
•Custom MIDI in/out: trigger G8 with an instrument or extract grooves from an audio track to trigger an instrument with G8
•Route post-gate, ‘Reject Outputs’ to another track, or use ‘Flip’ mode to swap Reject Outputs with G8’s main output, essentially reversing the behavior of G8
•Four-channel analysis (sidechain) input; two internal and two external, each independently filtered and gain-controlled
•Precise triggering with Lookahead analysis
•RMS and Peak detection modes
•Variable reduction of gated signal allows for subtler processing
•Wet/Dry mix for parallel processing

Cube says
Official installer places presets to the wrong location
and they cannot be loaded in any way at all, like this.
Just install, as it is fixed.

Whats new in this version
Version 1.6.0 (Mar 30, 2022)
– added Apple Silicon support

System Requirements
Windows 11 down to Windows 8