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PCDJ DEX 3 是适用于 Windows 的专业 DJ 软件,可让您无缝混合音乐、音乐视频和主持卡拉 OK 节目。 DEX 3 让您可以完全控制您的媒体,在混音时提供比以往更多的创作自由。通过我们基于节拍网格的自动节拍混音,可以轻松混合音轨,让您专注于混音的其他方面。

由于 DEX 3 提供无延迟播放;循环、热提示和所有播放功能都具有超响应性。将 DEX 3 与键盘或鼠标一起使用,或使用 65 多种受支持的 DJ 控制器之一进行触觉动手控制。所以下载 DEX 3,导入你的曲子,激发你的想象力——DEX 3 是完整的 DJ 混音软件解决方案。

传输和 DJ 混音器控制
DEX 3 可以轻松混合所有内容。 DEX 3 用户界面和传输控件的工作方式与 CD 卡座非常相似,并且包括高级混音器控件,就像您在高端物理 DJ 混音器上找到的一样。
使用带或不带视频混合控件的传统 2-Deck 界面(皮肤),或使用随附的 4-Deck DEX 3 皮肤之一(或下载 A DEX 3 皮肤)在混音中分层。基于 BPM 网格的节拍同步、智能循环、按键锁定、热提示点、过滤器和效果都可以完美地工作,无论您是只混音还是为观众表演音乐视频混音。

DEX 3 包含一个高级媒体文件浏览器,可浏览您的所有音乐、音乐视频和卡拉 OK 文件。 iTunes 播放列表也会自动导入,因此您可以立即开始混音。
包含的库过滤器允许您仅查看要使用的文件类型,并且快速搜索功能会在您键入时显示结果。创建自定义播放列表或从硬盘驱动器上的目录生成列表。 “历史”列表可以按日期过滤,这样您就可以返回并重新使用以前的混音集。专辑封面和颜色编码使您可以轻松找到您正在寻找的歌曲。新的“列表模式”允许更传统的列式布局。播放列表播放自动化是内置的;如果您需要休息,请使用自动混音或随机播放。

100 多个兼容的 DJ 控制器
DJ 控制器提供对 DEX 3 的动手触觉控制,从而在混音时发挥更多创造力。支持来自流行 DJ 设备制造商的 100 多个 DJ 控制器,这意味着需要零配置,因此您可以立即进入混音。一次使用多个 DJ 控制器——DEX 3 甚至可以实时检测控制器何时连接。您的 DJ 控制器未包含在我们的支持列表中?使用 LEARN 自己轻松映射。
当您按下按钮、转动旋钮或在 DJ 控制器上刮盘时,DEX 3 会立即做出反应,没有延迟。

Party Tyme 卡拉 OK 订阅
应用内访问高品质卡拉 OK |在线或离线使用
DEX 3 + Party Tyme Karaoke 为您提供最现代的解决方案,无论您是 KJ 还是卡拉 OK 场所,都可以轻松准确地举办卡拉 OK!
Party Tyme 卡拉 OK 订阅服务(每月 99.99 美元)现在可直接在 DEX 3 浏览器中使用!无需离开 DEX 3 即可订阅、登录和访问商业合法的音高完美卡拉 OK 歌曲库。在连接到互联网时流式传输歌曲,或下载整个卡拉 OK 目录以供离线使用。
Party Tyme 卡拉 OK 订阅库目前包含超过 15,300 首歌曲,并且随时添加新的卡拉 OK 歌曲,无需额外费用。只需在 DEX 3 浏览器中右键单击 PT 标志即可创建帐户并开始卡拉 OK 订阅。

新:内置 卡拉 OK 商店
DEX 3 的最近新增功能是用于应用内卡拉 OK 歌曲购买的集成 商店,为 DJ 和卡拉 OK 主持人提供了一种快速无缝的方法来浏览、搜索、购买和下载卡拉 OK 歌曲。在 DEX 3 浏览器中。
首先通过加载到卡座来预览卡拉 OK 曲目,将它们添加到购物车,然后随时随地购买。单个卡拉 OK 曲目的价格为 2.49 美元,可下载到您的硬盘中。 商店意味着您可以满足每位歌手的歌曲请求!

所以他们想唱卡拉OK?没问题,DEX 3 也为您提供了保障。卡拉 OK 歌手轮换列表将为您管理歌手轮换 – 无论您在卡拉 OK 之夜有 3 位还是 40 位以上的歌手轮换。使用“加载歌手”按钮从轮播列表中快速加载和播放歌曲。
对于您拥有的每位歌手,DEX 3 会自动为他们创建歌手/歌曲历史记录,因此您可以轻松搜索歌手并添加他们,以及他们想要演唱的歌曲,返回轮换。


PCDJ DEX 3 is professional DJ Software for Windows that allows you to seamlessly mix music, music videos and host karaoke shows. DEX 3 gives you full control over your media, allowing for more creative freedom while mixing than ever before. With our beat-grid based automatic beat mixing it’s easy to blend tracks, allowing you to focus on the other aspects of your mix.

Since DEX 3 offers no-latency playback; loops, hot cues, and all playback features are ultra-responsive. Use DEX 3 with a keyboard or mouse, or use one of the 65+ supported DJ controllers for tactile hands-on control. So download DEX 3, import you tunes, and cue up your imagination – DEX 3 is the complete DJ mixing software solution.

Transport And DJ Mixer Controls
DEX 3 makes it easy to mix everything. The DEX 3 user interface and transport controls work much like CD Decks and include advanced mixer controls much like you find on high-end physical DJ mixers.
Use a traditional 2-Deck interface (skin) with or without video mixing controls, or layer in your mix with one of the included 4-Deck DEX 3 skins (or Download A DEX 3 Skin). BPM grid-based beat-sync, smart looping, key-lock, hot-cue points, filters and effects all work flawlessly whether you’re mixing only music or performing a music video mix for your audience.

Advanced Media File Browser With Search, Playlists And Automix
DEX 3 includes an advanced media file browser for all your music, music videos and karaoke files. iTunes playlists are also imported automatically so you can start mixing immediately.
The included library filters allow you to view only the file type you want to work with, and the fast search feature displays results as you type. Create custom playlists or generate lists from directories on your hard drive. The ‘History’ list can be filtered by date so you can go back and re-use a previous mix set. Album art and color coding makes it easy to find the song/s you’re looking for. New “List Mode” allows for a more traditional column-style layout. Playlist playback automation is built right in; engage Automix or Shuffle Play if you need a break.

100+ Compatible DJ Controllers
DJ Controllers provide hands-on tactile control over DEX 3, allowing for more creativity while mixing. Over 100 DJ controllers from popular DJ equipment manufacturers are supported, which means zero-configuration required so you can get into the mix right away. Use multiple DJ controllers at once — DEX 3 will even detect when a controller is connected in real-time. Your DJ controller isn’t included in our supported list? Use LEARN to map it easily yourself.
When you press a button, twist a knob or scratch a platter on your DJ controller DEX 3 will react immediately, without latency.

Party Tyme Karaoke Subscription
In-App Access To High-Quality Karaoke | Online Or Offline Use
DEX 3 + Party Tyme Karaoke provides you with the most modern solution to host karaoke with ease and precision whether your a KJ or karaoke venue!
The Party Tyme Karaoke Subscription Service ($99.99-A-Month) is now available directly in the DEX 3 Browser! Subscribe, login and access a commercially-legal library of pitch-perfect karaoke songs without ever leaving DEX 3. Stream songs while connected to the internet, or download the entire karaoke catalog for offline use.
The Party Tyme Karaoke Subscription library currently comes with over 15,300 songs, with new karaoke songs added all the time at no additional cost to you. Just right-click the PT logo in the DEX 3 browser to create an account and start a karaoke subscription.

NEW: Built-in Karaoke Store
A recent addition to DEX 3 is the integrated Store for in-app karaoke song purchases, providing DJs and karaoke hosts a quick-and-seamless method to browse, search, purchase, and download karaoke songs on-the-fly from within the DEX 3 browser.
Preview karaoke tracks first by loading to a deck, add them to the shopping cart, and buy on the go. Individual karaoke tracks are priced at $2.49 USD and are downloaded to your hard drive. The store means you can fill every singers song request!

Karaoke Rotation List and Singer/Song History
So they wanna sing some karaoke? No problem, DEX 3 has you covered there, too. The karaoke singer rotation list will manage the singer rotation for you — whether you have 3 or 40+ singers in rotation on your karaoke night. Use the “Load Singer” button to quickly load and play songs from the rotation list.
For each singer you have DEX 3 will automatically create a singer/song history for them so you can easily search a singer and add them, and the song they want to sing, back to rotation.
Use the “filler music player” to easily play regular music in between singers and sets.

Built-In Effects And Sample Player
The included audio “effects grid” in DEX 3 will further enhance your sets by providing the ability to apply Echo, Delay, Reverb, Phaser, Flanger and Autopan – either one at a time, or layered in to create brand new sounds. The effect controls DJs have come to expect are present, including wet/dry, BPM sync, and varied parameters per effect.
The effects section can be swapped out with the press of a button for a Sample Player, which allows you to load up 8 sound clips of your choice that can be triggered and played over-top the mix. Choose to BPM sync your samples to the master player for seamlessly drops.