Strezov Sampling Diamond Jazz Orchestra KONTAKT Samples » Kontakt- 74,32 GB

触手可及的综合工作室爵士乐团! 受所有标志性爵士乐和摇摆乐音乐家的启发,我们希望帮助您回到过去,与伟大的思想合一。 重温该流派激发了几代歌迷的一些情感,并开始与我们的 DIAMOND 爵士乐团一起轻松创建自己的音乐瑰宝。
爵士乐的整个流派一直贴近我们的心。在 JADE Ethnic Orchestra 取得成功之后,我们想看看我们录制有机和原始表演的方法是否也会为 Studio Jazz 和 Pop Orchestra 的声音产生同样出色的效果。

因此,DIAMOND Jazz Orchestra 是我们的“民族管弦乐队”和“Afflatus”系列结合两种方法的产物,填补了虚拟乐器市场上的一大空白。我们迫不及待地想向您展示这个系列的更多实际效果,如果您等不及了 – 为什么不立即查看我们的 DIAMOND Jazz 三重奏免费赠品?!

我们用户最需要的功能之一是录制的发音之间的一致性。 DIAMOND 不仅如此;它还具有比我们以前在整个系列中采样的更多的发音,包括用于短发音的多种不同长度(staccatissimo、staccato、marcato),但还有不同的颤音演奏技术和效果,可在使用随附的乐器演奏时实现最大的灵活性和真实感。

当然,我们还确保为铜管部分和独奏者使用不同的静音再次录制相同的发音,并在我们的 Choirs 和 Afflatus: Strings 中为我们著名的 Poylphonic True Legato 注入真正的连奏表演。


– 74GB 压缩内容
– 受标志性爵士乐和摇摆音乐家启发的 Instant Jazz 和 Pop Studio 声音
– 大量合奏和独奏铜管乐器、萨克斯管和管乐器、打击乐器、吉他和钢琴
– 铜管乐器的 Harmon 和 Cup 静音
– 一致的发音集(真正的连奏,多种长度的短裤和颤音风格)
– 新的实验性补丁,例如 Ghost Staccatissimos 和 Sustain Crescendos
– 使用多个循环和多个动态层记录的所有内容
– 2 个麦克风位置 – Close & Room + 自定义卷积混响
– Strezov Sampling 著名的 Polyphonic True legato Sampling 和智能语音引导
– 综合帮助
– 来自 Strezov Sampling 广受好评的合唱团和 Afflatus 系列的“Velocity Dynamic Influencer”等附加功能
需要 Native Instruments Kontakt 5.7.1+ 完整版!

Diamond Jazz Orchestra
A comprehensive Studio Jazz Orchestra right at your fingertips! Inspired by all the iconic jazz and swing musicians, we want to help you travel back in time and become one with the greats’ minds. Relive some of the emotions the genre has inspired in several generations of fans and start creating your own treasure trove of musical gems easily with our DIAMOND Jazz Orchestra.
The whole genre of Jazz has always been close to our hearts. After the success of JADE Ethnic Orchestra, we wanted to see if our approach to recording organic and raw performances would also yield the same outstanding results for a Studio Jazz and Pop Orchestra sound.

DIAMOND Jazz Orchestra is therefore the consequence of our “Ethnic Orchestra” and “Afflatus” Series combining both approaches and filling a big gap on the market of virtual instruments. We cannot wait to show you more of this collection in action, and if you can’t wait – why don’t you check out our DIAMOND Jazz Trio Freebie right now?!

One of the most requested features from our users has been consistency among the recorded articulations. DIAMOND not only has that; it also has more articulations than we have ever sampled before across the entire collection including multiple different lengths for short articulations (staccatissimo, staccato, marcato), but also different vibrato playing techniques and effects for maximum flexibility and realism when performing with the included instruments.

Of course, we also made sure to record the same articulations again with different mutes for the brass section and soloists and on top infused the true legato performances with our renowned Poylphonic True Legato from our Choirs and Afflatus: Strings.

The final result is a collection of virtual instruments not only suited for Jazz and Pop, but also for Orchestral arrangements within a less ambient setting.
– 74GB of compressed content
– Instant Jazz and Pop Studio sound inspired by iconic jazz and swing musicians
– Vast collection of Ensemble & Solo Brass, Saxophones & Winds, Percussion, Guitars and a Piano
– Harmon and Cup Mutes for the Brass Instruments
– Consistent set of articulations (True Legato, Multiple Lengths of Shorts and Vibrato Styles)
– New experimental patches like Ghost Staccatissimos & Sustain Crescendos
– All content recorded with multiple Round-Robins and within multiple dynamic layers
– 2 mic positions – Close & Room + custom convolution reverb
– Strezov Sampling’s renowned Polyphonic True legato Sampling with intelligent voice leading
– Integrated Help
– Additional functions like “Velocity Dynamic Influencer” known from Strezov Sampling’s acclaimed choirs and Afflatus Series
Requires Native Instruments Kontakt 5.7.1+ FULL version!