P2P | 6 June 2022 | 8.32 GB

动态 Ostinato 弦乐模式生成器

Pattern Strings 通过提供一系列节奏同步的节奏片段,为 ostinatos 提供了一种独特的方法。

这 19 种节奏已在小提琴、中提琴、大提琴和贝斯的两个动态层上录制,有 4 个循环。





Pattern Strings 具有自动弓形方向功能。它在强拍上播放下弓样本,在强拍上播放上弓样本,从而在节拍之间产生自然的起伏。

一些样本以 90bpm 记录,而另一些以 80bpm 记录。因此,假设您以 160bpm 的速度工作。这意味着 90bpm 样本的时间将被拉伸到原始速度的两倍!为了弥补这一点,您可以使用 Tempo Sync 选项将速度设置为一半。

所有的乐器组合都被渲染了,无论是单声道还是立体声加倍。这使得可以在没有太多内存和 CPU 的情况下将仪器分层。

因为 Pattern Strings 包含 8.32GB 的样本,所以该界面设计有动态加载系统,因此它只加载您需要的内容。为了提高效率,乐器组合被一起渲染,节省了语音计数和内存。这样,如果启用了所有仪器,它将使用相同数量的内存和 CPU,就好像只启用了一个仪器一样。


假设您在轨道上使用 Pattern Strings,并且您想在轨道的不同部分使用几个不同的变体。您可以将变体保存到自定义按键开关中,而不是打开多个实例。


所需的 Kontakt 版本:
5.8.1 完整版(不适用于 Kontakt 播放器)


Dynamic Ostinato Strings Pattern Builder

Pattern Strings offers a unique approach to ostinatos by providing a collection of tempo-synced rhythmic fragments.

These 19 rhythms have been recorded at two dynamic layers on violin, viola, cello, and bass, with 4 round robins.

The interface utilizes an intuitive drag and drop mechanic which allows you to arrange the rhythms into sequences in which all the rhythms flow together with natural phrasing and musicality.


You can Drag and Drop rhythms in the center to either of the pattern strips. If you want to change the order of the rhythms you can do that too, by dragging them around.

With Legato turned on, new notes start sync-ed with previous held notes. This way it’s possible to create convincing lines by changing notes according to the rhythms, as seen in the demos.

Pattern Strings has an Automatic Bow Direction feature. It plays downbow samples on downbeats and upbow samples on upbeats, which creates a natural ebb and flow between beats.

The Tempo Sync switch allows you to set the sample playback to half speed or double speed.
Some of the samples were recorded at 90bpm, and others at 80bpm. So, let’s say you’re working at 160bpm. This would mean that the 90bpm samples would be time stretched to twice their original speed! To make up for this, you could use the Tempo Sync option to set the speed to be half as fast.

All the combinations of instruments have been rendered down, both single and with stereo doubling. This makes it possible to layer instruments together without so much memory and cpu.

Because Pattern Strings contains 8.32GB of samples, the interface was designed with a Dynamic Loading system so that it only loads what you need. In order to make it more efficient, combinations of instruments have been rendered together, saving on voice count and memory. This way if all instruments are enabled, it will use the same amount of memory and CPU as if only one instrument was enabled.

Beef up the sound of an instrument by turning on Doubling. Stereo-doubled samples have been rendered down, so turning this on won’t increase the number of voices or memory needed.

Say you’re using Pattern Strings on a track, and you have a couple of different variations you want to use at different parts of the track. Rather than opening up multiple instances, you could save variations into Custom Keyswitches.
Just click “Map”, then click on one of the colored keys at the very bottom of the keyboard, and Voilà, the current pattern can now be recalled by that key!

Generate a sequence of rhythms using the Random Button, and perhaps you will find something useful.

Kontakt Version Required:
5.8.1 Full Version (Not for Kontakt Player)