古筝的声音粗糙而肮脏,通常被描述为“醇厚”。我们对 Concert Zither 进行了严厉的处理:我们拨动、抚摸和弹奏所有琴弦,以获得 Zither 可以产生的所有可能的声音、噪音和清晰度。最后,我们组装了六个不同的补丁。 Concert Zither 是所有其他 Cinematique Strings 乐器的完美补充:稀有而独特。

古筝是一种弦乐器,有许多弦在一个薄的木制音箱上伸展。它是通过用手指或 plec 弹奏或拨弦来演奏的。古筝常见于斯洛文尼亚、奥地利、匈牙利、克罗地亚西北部和德国南部地区。该乐器因安东卡拉斯为 1949 年的黑色电影《第三个人》创作的魅力中心主题而闻名。

我们展示的古筝乐器是音乐会古筝。琴弦排列如下: 5 根有品旋律弦,放在类似吉他的指板上方,然后是 14 根无品“伴奏”弦;接着是 11 根无品的“贝司”琴弦,最后是 6 根“低音”琴弦。音乐会 Zither 有一种粗糙而肮脏的声音,通常被描述为“醇厚”。
我们对 Concert Zither 进行了严厉的处理:我们拨动、抚摸和弹奏所有琴弦,以获得 Zither 可以产生的所有可能的声音、噪音和清晰度。最后,我们组装了 5 个不同的补丁。首先,有两个主要补丁,所有 36 个字符串以 4 轮循环变化和几个(最多四个)动态层记录。我们另外录制了 31 根伴奏弦以静音变奏。详细地说,你会得到五种发音:Finger、Plec、Mute、Reverse 和 Bow。

这些音符是用两个不同的麦克风录制的:一个大振膜电容对和一个经典的动圈麦克风。为了塑造声音,我们添加了一个复杂的脚本来实现 Concert Zither 的许多变化。除了主要的复杂补丁外,我们还提供了另外 4 个有用的 FX 补丁:滑音(由调制轮控制)、旋转、驱动和八度。在这里,您可以找到各种稀有和非凡的 FX 弦乐音色。
最后,我们包括了一个琶音器和一个步进音序器,为这个乐器增加了更多的可能性。 Concert Zither 是所有其他 Cinematique Strings 乐器的完美补充:稀有而独特。


The Zither has a rough and dirty sound, often described as “mellow”. We handled the Concert Zither harshly: We plucked, stroked and strummed all the strings to get every possible sound, noise and articulation the Zither can produce. Finally, we assembled six different patches. The Concert Zither is a perfect supplement to all the other Cinematique Strings instruments: rare and unique.

The Zither is a stringed instrument, having many strings stretched across a thin, wooden soundbox. It is played by strumming or plucking the strings with fingers or a plec. The Zither is commonly found in Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, northwestern Croatia, and Germany’s southern regions. The instrument became famous due to the charismatic central theme composed by Anton Karas for the 1949 film noir called “The Third Man”.

The Zither instrument we are presenting is a Concert Zither. The strings are arranged as follows: 5 fretted melody strings, placed above a guitar-like fretboard, then 14 unfretted “accompaniment” strings; followed by 11 unfretted “bass” strings and finally 6 “contrabass” strings. The concert Zither has a rough and dirty sound often described as “mellow”.
We handled the Concert Zither harshly: We plucked, stroked and strummed all the strings to get every possible sound, noise and articulation the Zither can produce. Finally, we assembled 5 different patches. Firstly there are two main patches with all 36 strings recorded in 4 round robin variations and several (up to four) dynamic layers. We additionally recorded the 31 accompaniment strings in a muted variation. In detail, you get five articulations: Finger, Plec, Muted, Reverse, and Bow.

These notes were recorded with two different microphones: a large-diaphragm condenser pair and a classic dynamic microphone. To shape the sound, we added a complex script to achieve many variations of the Concert Zither. Besides the principal complex patches, we provide another 4 useful FX patches: glissando (controlled by the mod-wheel), rotary, drive and an octaver. Here you find a great assortment of rare and exceptional FX string sounds.
Finally, we included an arpeggiator and a step sequencer to add even more possibilities to this instrument. The Concert Zither is a perfect supplement to all the other Cinematique Strings instruments: rare and unique.