MAJESTIC | February 6 2022 | 6.33 GB

Vocal Codex 是 2015 年 Era II Medieval Legends 的完美补充。它通过添加真实的独奏声音来完善这个非凡的中世纪图书馆。 Eduardo Tarilonte 是 Forest Kingdom、Desert Winds、Epic World 和 Shevannai 等多个获奖库的创建者,他以令人难以置信的音质录制了一个庞大的历史歌声库,为 Era II 创造了完美的补充。

Vocal Codex 将中世纪和过去时代的情绪和声音美学带到了数字音频工作站的制作环境中。引擎播放器精心设计的用户界面简化了库的工作,允许 Vocal Codex 的声音激发和充分发挥音乐家的创造力。

Vocal Codex 包含超过 14,000 个样本,总数据量为 8.5 GB。详细的录音包括两个男声和两个女声独唱。通过为每个声音提供五个真正的连音元音(A、E、I、O、U)、音节的速度敏感触发和广泛的控制器导航,创建完全逼真的人声短语成为可能。此外,还添加了 30 种鼓舞人心的音景,以将 Vocal Codex 与相应的大气声音相结合。


在其他功能中,Vocal Codex 包括“ERA II 限量版”的独家内容,这些内容仅在有限的时间内可用。此限量版的所有所有者都可以在其用户帐户中找到 Vocal Codex,并立即免费下载。


• Celtia 是Celica Soldream 迷人、柔和、几乎是天堂般的声音,具有迷人的凯尔特风格。

• Heroica 预设了Celica Soldream 强大而朴实的另一面——一种非常适合史诗和情感音乐的声音。

• Bard 是 Evo 的 Iván López 的同样迷人而细腻的声音,是轻柔和古老音乐的理想选择。

• 中世纪男高音,维克多·索多的声音,听起来同样精致优雅,因此注定适合独奏和神圣仪式的段落。

在制作 Vocal Codex 时,每一个细节都非常谨慎。位于西班牙 Dueñas 的 Eldana Studio 使用 U47 Kahayan 麦克风、API 前置放大器和模拟 Kahayan 求和单元 Epsilon 进行录音。

所有的声音都被故意靠近录制以避免房间氛围,并将声音和效果的完全控制权留给制作人。但是,Vocal Codex 还提供可调节的混响效果。

需要最佳服务引擎 2.5。


Team R2R keygen 的密钥包含在库文件中。
使用文件“ERA II Vocal Codex.r2rytelc”生成响应代码。


Eduardo Tarilonte Vocal Codex – Voices of the past
Vocal Codex is the perfect addition to Era II Medieval Legends of 2015. It completes this extraordinary medieval-library by adding authentically sounding solo voices. Eduardo Tarilonte, creator of several award-winning libraries such as Forest Kingdom, Desert Winds, Epic World and Shevannai, recorded a blistering extensive library of historic singing voices with incredibly convincing sound quality, creating the perfect addition to Era II.

Vocal Codex takes the moods and sound aesthetics of the medieval and bygone times to the production environment of the digital audio workstation. The carefully designed user interface of the Engine player simplifies working with the library, allowing the voices of Vocal Codex to inspire and fully unfold the musicians’ creativity.

Vocal Codex contains over 14,000 samples with a total amount of 8.5 gigabytes of data. The detailed recordings comprise two male and two female solo voices. By offering five true legato vowels (A, E, I, O, U) per voice, velocity-sensitive triggering of syllables and extensive controller navigation, creating utterly lifelike vocal phrases becomes possible. In addition, 30 inspiring soundscapes have been added to round up Vocal Codex with corresponding atmospheric sounds.

The library scores with extensive multi-samples, several dynamic layers, various articulations and true legato samples.

Among other features, Vocal Codex includes the exclusive contents of „ERA II Limited Edition“, that were only available for a limited time. All owners of this limited edition will find Vocal Codex in their user accounts for free immediate download.

Vocal Codex consists of four parts

• Celtia is the charming, soft and almost heavenly voice of Celica Soldream with her enchanting, celtic feel.

• Heroica presets a different powerful and earthy side of Celica Soldream – a voice that is perfectly suited for epic and emotional music.

• Bard is the equally fascinating and delicate voice of Iván López of Evo, an ideal offer for gentle and ancient music.

• Medieval Tenor, the voice of Víctor Sordo, sounds exquisite and elegant likewise and is therefore predestined for solo- and sacred-ritual passages.

For the production of Vocal Codex, greatest care was taken to every detail. The recordings in Eldana Studio, located in Dueñas, Spain, were performed using an U47 Kahayan microphone, an API preamplifier and the analog Kahayan summing unit Epsilon.

All voices were recorded intentionally close to avoid room-ambience and leave full control over sound and effects to the producer. However, Vocal Codex also offers an adjustable reverberation effect.

​Best Service Engine 2.5 required.

Important Notice:

The key for Team R2R keygen is included in the library files.
Use a file “ERA II Vocal Codex.r2rytelc” to generate a respnonse code.