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介绍数字表演者 – 优雅的对位艺术和工程。令人兴奋的新插件处理器、强大的合成器和许多工作流程增强功能成为这一重大新升级的主旋律。激发您的创造力,然后改进您的混音——所有这些都在一个单一的工作流程中。 DP 版本 10 提供了令人兴奋的新功能,例如 Clips 窗口和 Stretch Audio,以及 DP 用户要求的数百个包含的虚拟乐器和数十个工作流程增强功能。

新的 Clips 窗口为 Digital Performer 带来了循环触发。将音频和 MIDI 剪辑从 DP 的新内容浏览器拖放到剪辑窗口中,并以交互方式实时触发它们,以便在创建新材料时进行现场表演或即时灵感。触发单个剪辑、多轨剪辑组(部分行)或整行(跨所有轨道的剪辑)。 DP 独特的剪辑队列可让您提前堆叠剪辑序列,因此您不必手动触发每个剪辑序列。当灵感来袭时,从您的笔记本电脑或任何 MIDI 控制器动态添加和删除队列中的剪辑。 Clips 窗口使 DP 成为现场表演的强者,将剪辑触发与线性、基于轨道的播放和现场混音相结合。 DP 现在是您进行创意工作室制作和现场表演的一站式商店。

从单个节拍的精确编辑到全局速度变化,Stretch audio 让您可以更快、更轻松地处理音频,并拥有比以往更多的控制力。抓取单个音频节拍以调整其时间。新的 Stretch Edit 层可让您精确控制锚点,以获得您想要的感觉。对于全局速度控制,只需启用 Stretch 模式,整个音轨就会立即符合您的项目速度和时间线,即使随着时间的推移平稳地改变速度。 Zynaptiq™ 的 ZTX PRO™ 技术可确保始终保持最高的音频质量。

像魔术一样,DP10 的节拍检测可以在您的节奏音频中找到节拍,从单个循环到多通道主干再到完整混音。一旦检测到节拍,您就可以使用 DP 的新 Stretch Audio 功能和行业领先的速度调整功能来完全操纵它们。立即使您的音频符合项目的速度和时间线。应用速度变化,甚至是随时间变化的渐进变化。将循环拖放到 Clips 窗口中,所有这些都与您的其余音乐完全同步。


与过去几年的经典模拟调音台一样,VCA 推子将彻底改变您在 DP 中的混音方式。单个 VCA 推子可以控制任意数量的轨道,精确地保持它们的相对音量。根据需要创建任意数量的 VCA 组。控制 VCA 与其他 VCA,以创建多个嵌套子组。将混音自动化应用到 VCA,并在整个过程中维护和扩展子推子自动化。实现完美的组合从未如此快速或简单。

Digital Performer 的波形编辑器是您的多合一环境,可用于精确到样本的波形编辑、精确节拍编辑、弹性音频拉伸、音高校正、嵌入式速度图等。选择一个编辑层然后去:菜单和工具跟随你。缩放快捷方式比比皆是。陶醉于波形编辑器为您提供工程设计的精确度和清晰度。


Introducing Digital Performer – artistry and engineering in elegant counterpoint. Exciting new plug-in processors, a powerful synth and many workflow enhancements headline this major new upgrade. Spark your creativity, then refine your mix — all in a singular workflow. DP version 10 delivers exciting new features like the Clips window and Stretch Audio, plus hundreds of included virtual instruments and dozens of workflow enhancements requested by DP users.

Trigger loops and phrases from your laptop or controller
The new Clips window brings loop triggering to Digital Performer. Drag and drop audio and MIDI clips from DP’s new Content Browser into the Clips window and trigger them in real time, interactively, for live performance or on-the-fly inspiration while creating new material. Trigger individual clips, multi-track clip groups (a partial row) or the entire row (clips across all tracks). DP’s unique clip queue lets you stack clip sequences ahead of time, so you don’t have to manually trigger each one. Dynamically add and remove clips from the queue, as inspiration strikes, from your laptop or any MIDI controller. The Clips window makes DP a live performance powerhouse, combining clip triggering with linear, track-based playback and live mixing. DP is now your one stop shop for creative studio production and live performance.

Manipulate audio like never before
From precision editing of individual beats to global tempo changes, Stretch audio lets you manipulate audio faster and easier, with more control than ever before. Grab an individual audio beat to adjust its timing. The new Stretch Edit layer lets you precisely control anchor points to achieve exactly the feel you want. For global tempo control, simply enable Stretch mode and the entire audio track instantly conforms to your project tempo and time line, even with smooth tempo changes over time. ZTX PRO™ technology from Zynaptiq™ ensures the highest possible audio quality throughout.

Ultimate tempo and beat control
Like magic, DP10’s Beat Detection finds the beats in your rhythmic audio, from individual loops to multi-channels stems to full mixes. Once beats are detected, you can fully manipulate them with DP’s new Stretch Audio feature and industry-leading tempo adjustment features. Instantly conform your audio to the project’s tempo and timeline. Apply tempo changes, even gradual ones that change over time. Drop loops into the Clips window, all completely in time with the rest of your music.

Instant access to everything
Get instant access to all of the resources you use to empower your creativity: virtual instruments, loops, clips, plug-ins… Whatever you need, it’s now right at your fingertips, just a drag and drop away. Use Search to quickly find material by name or text strings. The Content Browser will speed your workflow by tenfold.

Enhanced control for your mix
As with classic analog consoles of years past, VCA faders will revolutionize how you mix in DP. A single VCA fader can control any number of tracks, precisely maintaining their relative volume. Create as many VCA groups as you want. Control VCAs with other VCAs, to create multiple nested sub-groups. Apply mix automation to VCAs and sub-fader automation is maintained and scaled throughout. Achieving the perfect mix has never been faster or easier.

Edit audio waveforms with clarity and precision
Digital Performer’s Waveform Editor is your all-in-one environment for down-to-the-sample waveform editing, precision beat editing, elastic audio stretching, pitch correction, embedded tempo maps and more. Choose an Edit Layer and go: menus and tools follow you. Zooming shortcuts abound. Revel in the precision and clarity the Waveform Editor affords your engineering eye.