P2P | 22 September 2022 | 6 GB

18 件弦乐合奏与木头和水
潜入一个精心采样的弦乐合奏、具有不拘一格演奏技术和罕见合成器纹理的木制乐器的世界,以及基于木材和水基的声音效果。这款 HALion 乐器是著名的 Materials 系列的第二部分,结合了强大的引擎与易于使用的调制、FX 处理和流线型合成器选项。

6 GB HALion 乐器,带弦乐、木乐器、合成器和 FX

11 种扩展演奏技巧,由 18 件弦乐合奏组成

具有多样本、波表和颗粒的 4 层声音引擎

由 Magnetic 96 设计的电影预设

目标是创造一种“原材料”已经充满个性和个性的电影乐器。实现真正独特声音的关键是使用复古和现代外接器进行定制处理,以及不寻常的乐器和发音的录音。通过 HALion 所提供的一切进一步塑造这些,结果是一个充满创造潜力和高级声音设计的乐器,等待在您的下一个作品中被释放。


18-piece string ensemble vs. wood and water
Dive into the world of a masterfully sampled string ensemble, wooden instruments with eclectic playing techniques and rare synthesizer textures, plus wood- and water-based sound effects. This HALion instrument is the second installment of the celebrated Materials series, combining a powerful engine with easy-to-use modulation, FX processing and streamlined synth options.

6 GB HALion instrument with strings, wood instruments, synths and FX

11 extended playing techniques by an 18-piece string ensemble

4-layer sound engine with multi-samples, wavetable and granular

Cinematic presets designed by Magnetic 96

The idea behind Materials – Wood and Water
The goal was to create a cinematic instrument whose “raw materials” were already full of character and personality. The key to achieving truly unique sounds was custom processing with vintage and modern outboard, as well as recordings of unusual instruments and articulations. By shaping these further with everything that HALion has to offer, the result is an instrument full of creative potential and high-class sound design, just waiting to be unleashed on your next production.