凭借非常酷的演奏和超流畅的氛围,Concert Guitar 既可以激发您的下一首歌曲创意,又可以提供使该歌曲脱颖而出所需的经典乐器钩子。该库是为您的下一个 RnB、HipHop、LoFi、Downtempo、Lounge 或 Chill 项目带来一些特别的东西的理想选择。

Concert Guitar 包含超过 3 GB 的样本数据,包括 239 个单独的循环和乐句。原始节奏从 60 到 98 BPM,表演非常适合那种慢节奏的感觉。但是,借助 Elastik 强大的速度功能,您始终可以获得与宿主项目完美匹配的速度。这些循环被组织到 47 个不同的演奏文件夹中,每个文件夹都包含多个独特的乐句。这些乐句有 8 个小节或最长 32 秒,在每个文件夹中,它们都具有节奏/和弦部分和独奏/旋律线。因此,这些短语可以单独使用或轻松分层使用。

这些乐句在两个 Elastik 音库中可用。 DRY 音库包括每个乐句的 DI 和关闭麦克风录音。此音库提供直接而亲切的声音,没有任何效果,可随时用于您自己选择的处理应用。 FX 音库包含相同的循环,带有一些高质量混响和延迟提供的美妙的混合就绪氛围;将它们放入您的项目中,您就可以开始了。

Concert Guitar 以通常的原始信号流录制,包含一系列鼓舞人心的吉他演奏。无论是用于 Downtempo、HipHop、LoFi、RnB、Lounge 还是 Chill,没有什么比在尼龙 6 弦音乐会吉他上演奏精美的钩子更能提供这种柔和的氛围了。

Kai Reuter 弹奏的吉他


Concert Guitar
With seriously cool playing and an ultra-smooth vibe, Concert Guitar can both inspire your next song idea and provide the classy instrumental hook needed to make that song stand out. The library is an ideal choice to bring something extra-special to your next RnB, HipHop, LoFi, Downtempo, Lounge or Chill project.

Smooth Sound Of A 6-String Nylon Guitar
Concert Guitar contains over 3 GB of sample data comprising 239 individual loops and phrases. With original tempos ranging from 60 to 98 BPM, the performances are perfect for that downtempo feel. However, with Elastik’s powerful tempo features, you can always get a perfect tempo match to your host project. The loops are organized into 47 different performance folders, each containing multiple unique phrases. The phrases are 8 bars or up to 32 seconds in length and, within each folder, they feature both rhythmic/chordal parts and solo/melodic lines. The phrases can therefore be used individually or easily layered.

Sophisticated Downtempo Moods
The phrases are available in two Elastik soundbanks. The DRY soundbank includes both DI and close microphone recordings of each phrase. This soundbank provides a direct and intimate sound without any effects and is ready to be used with your own choice of processing applied. The FX soundbank contains the same loops with a beautiful touch of mix-ready ambience provided by some high-quality reverb and delay; drop them in your project and you are good to go.

Instant Touch Of Musical Class
Recorded with the usual pristine signal flow, Concert Guitar contains an inspiring collection of session-ready guitar performances. Whether it’s for Downtempo, HipHop, LoFi, RnB, Lounge or Chill, nothing delivers that mellow vibe better than a beautifully played hook on a nylon 6-string concert guitar.

Guitar played by Kai Reuter