| Mac Win Mpc Wav | 1.6 GB

镜子球,霓虹灯,烟雾机和频闪灯-这是回到70年代末的声音和纯粹的迪斯科!重温一个晚上在工作室54,天堂车库或阁楼与Akai的新“Sanny X & 8fonk呈现的闪光球”扩展包MPC和原力。

由创新DJ/制作人Sanny X精心制作、录制和组装,与极具天赋的吉他“8fonk”合作,这个扩展包为您带来令人难以置信的真实的节奏和器乐迪斯科元素,为您创建自己的原创作品。

从Nile Rodgers/Chic和Sister Sledge的氛围和凹槽中获得灵感,就像今天的清爽和动态录音技术遇到了一群真正的70年代音乐家!迪斯科的声音从未被如此真实地捕捉到,并带着对这种类型、音乐风格、乐器和编曲的热爱。加载声音,忙起来,然后趴下!

MPC节拍版“扩展包”提供优质套件和样品的生产者开始他们的音乐之旅的节拍生产。MPC Beats扩展带来生产者准备套件从我们的著名的“MPC官方扩展”集合,把你的节拍到下一个水平。


28th Oct 2022 | Mac Win Mpc Wav | 1.6 GB

Mirrorballs, neon lights, smoke machines and strobes – it’s back to the late 70s and the sounds of pure Disco! Relive a night in Studio 54, the Paradise Garage or The Loft with Akai’s new ‘Sanny X & 8fonk presents the Glitterball’ expansion pack for MPC and Force.

Lovingly crafted, recorded and assembled by innovative DJ/Producer Sanny X, teaming up with the uber-talented ‘8fonk’ on guitar, this expansion pack brings incredibly authentic rhythmic and instrumental Disco elements for you to create your own original productions.

Taking inspiration from the vibes and grooves of Nile Rodgers/Chic and Sister Sledge, it’s like today’s crisp and dynamic recording tech has met with a group of real 70s musicians! Never before has the sound of Disco been captured so authentically and with such love for the genre, the musical styles, instruments and arrangements. Load up the sounds, get busy and GET DOWN!

MPC Beats Edition ‘Expansion Packs’ deliver premium kits and samples for producers starting their musical journey into beat production. MPC Beats Expansions bring producer ready kits taken from our acclaimed ‘MPC Official Expansion’ collection, taking your beats to the next level.