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Akai Professional和AraabMUZIK合作为您带来了备受期待的后续从他的传奇MPC扩展。
世界格莱美提名音乐制作人和原创之王的手指鼓点….AraabMUZIK提供了一个全新的维度打败生产与官方VOL 2。在这个扩展是5个独家套件和项目只提供给MPC,把你的节拍进入超速。这一有力的打击包生产到一个全新的水平带来纽约街道的声音到您的pad和钥匙!

MPC节拍版“扩展包”提供优质套件和样品的生产者开始他们的音乐之旅的节拍生产。MPC Beats扩展带来生产者准备套件从我们的著名的“MPC官方扩展”集合,把你的节拍到下一个水平。



与世界级的专业制作的样品,araabMUZIK Vol 2将是你的集合去样品包,让你不断推动信封在你的生产。

Araab的音乐制作和合作已经主导了全球,如与Fabolous和Jay Electronica的歌曲《Cold Summer》,以及与Alicia Keys和swizzbeatz!


Nov 3rd 2022 | Mac win wav |900 MB

AKAI PROFESSIONAL & araabMUZIK presents the exclusive new Expansion only for MPC BEATS!

Akai Professional and AraabMUZIK have teamed up to bring you the much-anticipated follow-up from his legendary MPC Expansion.
World Grammy Nominated music producer and the original King of Finger Drumming…. AraabMUZIK delivers a whole new dimension to beat production with the official VOL 2. Inside this Expansion are 5 exclusive kits and projects only available for MPC, putting your beats into overdrive. This hard-hitting pack takes production to a whole new level bringing the sound of the New York streets to your pads and keys!

MPC Beats Edition ‘Expansion Packs’ deliver premium kits and samples for producers starting their musical journey into beat production. MPC Beats Expansions bring producer ready kits taken from our acclaimed ‘MPC Official Expansion’ collection, taking your beats to the next level.

Each kit was produced from the ground up, delivering pure musical inspiration blended with slick melodic loops, deep soulful chord, Lo-Fi Guitars, Deep 808’s, classic HipHop vinyl melodies to rich vocal textures. Now let’s talk about drums………. If you think you have enough drum samples, then think again!!! The one-shot samples inside Vol 2 will put your drums to the front of the speakers, just how records are mixed in 2022.

Included are a whole new collection of Kicks, Snares, Claps to crisp percussion giving you Punch, Warmth and energy processed at the highest grade.

With world class professionally crafted samples, araabMUZIK Vol 2 will be the go-to sample pack in your collection allowing you to keep pushing the envelopes in your production.

Araab’s music production credits and collaborations have been dominating the globle with anthems such as Cold Summer with Fabolous to Jay Electronica and production credits with Alicia Keys alongside swizzbeatz!