MOCHA | 12 August 2022 | 40 MB

MIDI 采样终于来了
介绍 reMIDI 2,reMIDI 的后续版本,它允许您通过其新功能将 MIDI 采样提升到一个新的水平。 reMIDI 2 是一个 MIDI 效果插件,可以从 MIDI 文件中采样音符,让您可以快速查找、切割、键移和时间拉伸样本并将它们映射到控制器。

reMIDI 2 是一个能够输出 MIDI 和音频的插件乐器。一个简单的正弦波合成器声音内置用于临时工作,因此您可以快速找到一个循环以完全在其中导出为 MIDI 文件。

对于音频单元主机(即 Logic Pro),会加载包含的 reMIDI_MFX MIDI 效果插件。这与常规的 reMIDI 相同,但它位于同一轨道上的目标乐器前面,直接输出 MIDI。这当然是这两种方法中更优雅的一种,尽管它只捕获轨道的原始触发音符,而不是插件输出的和弦。

每个打击垫都可分配以从加载到打击垫的 MIDI 文件中选择自己的片段。您可以组合不同的 MIDI 文件(用于旋律/鼓 MIDI)或从 reMIDI MIDI 输入/输出将 MIDI 录制到打击垫中。
现在包含在 reMIDI 2 中:SW Jazz Complete MIDI Pack

完整的集合包含 11 卷中的 1000 多个文件。每卷包含 100 个 MIDI 格式的爵士乐块和弦进行。

这些 MIDI 文件可以拖到任何 DAW 中,但为什么不直接使用 SongWish 的 reMIDI 2,一个 MIDI 采样器 VST。 reMIDI 2 可以加载这些 MIDI 文件,并带有一些方便的功能来播放和编辑它们。

您可以使用其他 MIDI 实用程序(例如琶音器)为这些块和弦设置动画。或者,通过修改、添加/删除音符,甚至更改时间,让您的爵士乐在您最喜欢的 DAW 中亲自编辑这些进程。



– OS X 10.7 及更高版本(仅兼容 64 位)
– 音频单元 (AU)

– Windows 7 及更高版本(32 位和 64 位兼容)



MIDI Sampling Is Finally Here
Introducing reMIDI 2, the follow up to reMIDI that allows you to take MIDI sampling to the next level with its new features. reMIDI 2 is a MIDI effect plugin that samples musical notes from MIDI files that allows you to quickly find, chop, key shift and time-stretch samples and map them to a controller.

reMIDI 2 is a plugin instrument capable of outputting MIDI as well as audio. A simple sine wave synth sound is built in for scratch work, so you can quickly find a loop for export as a MIDI file entirely within it.

For Audio Unit hosts (ie, Logic Pro), the included reMIDI_MFX MIDI effect plugin is loaded up instead. This is identical to the regular reMIDI, but it sits in front of the target instrument on the same track, outputting MIDI directly. It’s certainly the more elegant of the two approaches, although it only captures the raw triggering notes to the track, not the chords output by the plugin.

Each pad is assignable to have its own selected slice from the MIDI file loaded into the pad. You can combine different MIDI files (for melodic/drum MIDI) or record MIDI into pads from reMIDI MIDI input/output.
Now Included with reMIDI 2: SW Jazz Complete MIDI Pack

The complete set contains over 1000 files in 11 volumes. Each volume contains 100 Jazz block chord progressions in MIDI format.

These MIDI files can be dragged into any DAW, but why not just use SongWish’s reMIDI 2, a MIDI sampler VST. reMIDI 2 can load these MIDI files with some convenient features to play and edit them with.

You can animate these block chords with other MIDI utilities such as arpeggiators. Or get your jazz hands-on editing these progressions in your favourite DAW by modifying, adding/removing notes, or even changing the timing.

Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

System Requirements

– OS X 10.7 and later (64-bit compatible only)
– Audio Units (AU)

– Windows 7 and later (32 and 64-bit compatible)