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我们创立了 Sugar Bytes,旨在为我们所有的音乐朋友制作和提供更好的工具。音质更好、外观更好的音频软件,比市面上的所有软件都更易于使用且价格更便宜。只是伟大的产品,可以用更少的按钮做更多的事情,用更少的说明有更多的功能,更有趣,更便宜。 Sugar Bytes Tools 应该可以节省您的时间和金钱,同时提供更多的创作自由并激励每个人创作更多的音乐。因为音乐是生活咖啡中的糖!

Aparillo v1.1.0 – 16 音调频合成器
结果 v1.5.8 – 和弦同步器
Cyclop v1.3.4 – 扭曲的低音合成器
DrumComputer v1.2.7 – 下一级鼓合成器
Egoist v1.6.1 – SliceBassBeatBox
Factory v1.1.1 – 液体模块化合成器
Guitarist v1.0.9 – 电子吉他仿真
Nest v1.0.7 – 基于规则的 MIDI 音序器
Obscurium v​​1.1.3 – 生成合成器
Thesys v1.7.2 – 音高音序器
Unique v1.5.8 – 模拟合成器


We founded Sugar Bytes to produce and provide better tools for all our friends in music. Better sounding, better looking audio software that’s easier to use and cheaper to get than everything that’s out there. Just great products that can do more stuff with less buttons, that have more features with less instructions, that are simply more fun and less expensive. Sugar Bytes Tools should save you time and money while providing more creative freedom and inspiring everybody to make more music. Because music is the sugar in the coffee of life!

Aparillo v1.1.0 – 16-Voice FM Synthesizer
Consequence v1.5.8 – Chord Synquencer
Cyclop v1.3.4 – Twisted Bass Synthesizer
DrumComputer v1.2.7 – Next Level Drum Synthesizer
Egoist v1.6.1 – SliceBassBeatBox
Factory v1.1.1 – Liquid Modular Synthesizer
Guitarist v1.0.9 – E-Guitar Emulation
Nest v1.0.7 – A Rule-Based MIDI Sequencer
Obscurium v1.1.3 – Generative Synthesizer
Thesys v1.7.2 – Pitch Sequencer
Unique v1.5.8 – Analogue Synth