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与传奇的 DJ Roger Sanchez 一起参加高级 DJ 大师班,涵盖前期制作、技术和行业洞察力。

与家庭音乐偶像 Roger Sanchez 一起参加他的“Learn to DJ”课程的高级版本。这位传奇的 DJ 就如何达到他的专业顶峰进行了全面的大师班,分享了让他在那里呆了很长时间的工作流程策略、技术混音技巧和行业洞察力。
在 DJ 方面,没有多少人比 Roger Sanchez 做得更好。带来的职业生涯包括英国和美国的第一记录、格莱美最佳混音唱片奖、四次 DJ 奖最佳家庭 DJ 奖以及迈克尔·杰克逊、警察、贾米罗奎和 Maroon 5 等艺术家的混音 –可以说他是这门课程的完美导师!
在长达一小时的课程的第一部分,您将首先看到 Roger 完成前期制作策略,帮助他组织音乐以进行流畅的现场演出、重新编辑和混音以及制作。课程的主要内容包括高级混音技术,包括动态循环、戏剧性的起音器、无伴奏合唱的创造性使用、添加 FX 等等。最后,桑切斯放下了一些关于音乐行业的知识,给你一些关于如何提升自己和建立长期职业生涯的技巧。
Roger Sanchez 在舞蹈音乐领域拥有超过 3 年的经验,具有独特的优势,可以将您的 DJ 事业推向平流层。毕竟,这是一位不断表现出对行业各个领域的欣赏的艺术家,主持了一个屡获殊荣的播客和在线广播节目,吸引了数百万听众,并经营着自己的品牌,培养了新锐人才。
使用 Pioneer 的行业标准装备,您会看到 Roger 打破了他多年来一直用来让人群在世界各地的舞池上跳跃的先进技术混音技巧。每种技术都被清晰简洁地解释,然后以典型的 Roger Sanchez 风格在甲板上展示。你甚至会在最后得到一个最后的混音,他一个接一个地展示了所有的技能。


Join legendary DJ Roger Sanchez on the decks for a masterclass in advanced DJing, covering pre-production, technique, and industry insight.
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Jump on the ones and twos with house music icon Roger Sanchez for the advanced version of his ‘Learn to DJ’ course. The legendary DJ delivers a total masterclass in what it takes to get to the top of his profession, sharing the workflow strategies, technical mixing skills and industry insight that has kept him there for so long.
When it comes to DJing, there aren’t many who do it better than Roger Sanchez. Bringing to the table a career that includes number one records in the UK and US, a Grammy award for Best Remixed Recording, four DJ Award wins for Best House DJ, and remixes for artists including Michael Jackson, The Police, Jamiroquai and Maroon 5 – it’s fair to say that he’s the perfect instructor for this course!
In the first part of the hour-long course, you’ll start off by seeing Roger run through the pre-production strategies that help him to organise his music for fluid live sets, re-edits and remixes, and production. The main bulk of the course covers advanced mixing techniques, covering looping on the fly, dramatic risers, creative uses of acapellas, adding FX and so much more. Finally, Sanchez drops some knowledge about the music industry, giving you some tips on how to promote yourself and establish a long career.
With over three decades of experience in the world of dance music, Roger Sanchez is uniquely positioned to send your DJ career into the stratosphere. After all, this is an artist who has continuously displayed an appreciation for all areas of the industry, hosting an award-winning podcast and online radio show that attracts millions of listeners, as well as running his own label that nurtures up and coming talent.
Using Pioneer’s industry standard gear, you’ll see Roger break down the advanced technical mixing skills that he’s used to keep crowds jumping on dancefloors around the world for years. Every technique is explained clearly and succinctly, and then demonstrated on the decks in quintessential Roger Sanchez fashion. You’ll even get a final mix at the end in which he showcases the full range of skills one after another.