S | KONTAKT | 5.1G

Jazz Bass 是对我们致力于爵士音乐的乐器的全新演绎。
扩展我们在 Simple Jazz Bass 中引入的概念,我们决定制作一个更深采样的乐器,涵盖乐器的每一个细微差别,在专业工作室进行采样,并具有多达 5 个不同的麦克风位置。

FluffyAudio Jazz Bass KONTAKT screenshot 该乐器具有 4 种发音:拨奏、拨奏颤音、连奏和滑音。



Jazz Bass 现已上市,它也是 Jazz Trio Bundle 以及 Scoring Piano 和 Jazz Drums – Brushes 的一部分。

重要的!请注意,Simple Jazz Bass 和 Jazz Bass 是完全不同的产品!


6.0 GB .ncw 压缩样本池
从 pianissimo 到 sforzato 的深度采样
5 个不同的麦克风位置
4 个关节 + 2 个特殊关节
12 个 IR 混响脉冲

适用于 NI Kontakt Player v6.7.1 或更高版本!


Jazz Bass is a completely new take on our set of instruments dedicated to Jazz Music.
Expanding the concepts we’ve introduced with Simple Jazz Bass, we decided to make a more deep-sampled instrument that covers every nuance of the instrument, sampled in a professional studio and with up to 5 different microphone positions.

The instrument features 4 articulations: Pizzicato, Pizzicato Vibrato, Legato and Glissando.

Moreover, we sampled two “special” articulations:

Slap, very useful for bluesy, percussive passages and rockabilly;
Ghost Notes, like slap notes, ghost notes are mostly used to give groove to the bass line.

Jazz Bass is available now and it is also part of the Jazz Trio Bundle along with Scoring Piano and Jazz Drums – Brushes.

Important! Please notice that Simple Jazz Bass and Jazz Bass are completely different products!


6.0 GB .ncw compressed sample pool
Deep-sampled from pianissimo to sforzato
5 different microphone positions
4 articulations + 2 special articulations
Custom patches
Different mix presets
Release volume control
12 IR reverb impulses

Works with the NI Kontakt Player v6.7.1 or higher!