大小:14.0 GB

Infinite Brass 是下一代虚拟铜管乐器的集合,可让您完全按照脑海中的声音演奏任何线条——直接在键盘上,无需按键切换——并以一种美妙、干净、现代的声音真实地呈现您的演奏3个不同的空间。

使用 29 种单独的乐器和 13 种不同的静音来构建您自己的合奏。无论您喜欢音乐会作品的更集中的声音还是电影配乐的宽阔声音,58 个位置允许您创建您想要的任何布局。 Infinite Brass 拥有 3 个标准空间:温暖的莫扎特音乐厅、夸张的 Bersa Hall 和干燥的工作室。氛围是通过卷积使用每个位置和房间独有的定制脉冲响应实时生成的,因此氛围始终 100% 反映性能。相位对齐的样本不会导致层之间的交叉淡入淡出;响应流畅、悦耳,听起来像真实的东西。

Infinite Brass 拥有市场上一些最广泛的铜管乐器范围,以及所有乐器从 ppp 到 fff 的一致动态范围。所有乐器都有可演奏的颤音、颤音和咆哮,甚至可以同时演奏这三种乐器。

Infinite Brass 以 48 kHz/24 位的频率采样。尽管列出了所有功能,但这些仪器是您使用过的最轻的仪器,总计 14.0 GB,每个仪器仅使用约 50 MB 的 RAM。



Infinite Brass is a collection of next-gen virtual brass instruments that let you play any line exactly as it sounds in your head—right on your keyboard with no keyswitching—and render your performance authentically with a fantastic, clean, modern sound in one of 3 different spaces.

Build your own ensembles with 29 individual instruments and 13 different mutes. Whether you prefer a more centered sound for concert works or a wide sound for film scoring, 58 positions allow you to create any layout you desire. Infinite Brass comes with 3 standard spaces: the warm Mozarteum, the bombastic Bersa Hall, and the dry Studio. The ambiance is generated in real-time through convolution using bespoke impulse responses unique to each position and room, so the ambiance is always 100% reflecting the performance. Phase-aligned samples result in no perceived cross-fades between the layers; the response is smooth, musical, and sounds like the real thing.

Infinite Brass boasts some of the widest brass instrument ranges on the market and a consistent dynamic range from ppp to fff for all instruments. All instruments have playable vibrato, flutter, and growl, even all three at the same time.

Infinite Brass was chromatically sampled at 48 kHz/24-bit. In spite of all the listed features, these instruments are some of the lightest you’ll ever use, totaling 14.0 GB with only ~50 MB of RAM used per instrument.