Cinematique Instruments Lute v2 KONTAKT- 234 MB

温暖的中世纪尼龙弦 这是一款带有 8 道弦的文艺复兴时期的琵琶 – 统一调音。 琵琶配备了尼龙弦——令人惊讶的是,琵琶在音乐中的使用有多么不同。 在中世纪时期,它是世俗音乐最重要的乐器。 但它也用于配乐,如吉姆·贾木许的电影《只有恋人还活着》。

一般来说,“琵琶”是指几乎所有弦乐器都在音箱上运行的术语。然而,当提到真正的琵琶时,指的是欧洲琵琶(或现代中东乌木)。它的一些特点包括带有单个装饰音孔的音板,称为玫瑰,薄木条纹外壳,以及从颈部向后倾斜近 90° 的琴头。

第一批琵琶由摩尔人带到西班牙,并用镐拔出。后来,他们只用手指演奏。琵琶的琴弦按弦排列,每根有两根弦,除了最高音调的弦,它只由一根弦组成,称为鸡油。我们的琵琶是文艺复兴时期的琵琶,有 8 个课程:(从最高到最低)a’ e’ b g d A G E – 课程一致调整。如今,琵琶配备尼龙弦,与古典吉他一样,而在历史上,它们是由动物内脏制成的。


琵琶在 3 个动态层和 4 个循环变奏中的所有 13 根弦上被仔细地采样为小三分之一。我们花了很多时间来捕捉这些层次和变化之间的无缝过渡,以使乐器感觉尽可能自然和流畅。


好像这还不够,我们还专注于课程字符串的行为。除了单独的音量旋钮外,我们还进一步定义了 flam 和 detune 参数,让您可以根据原弦改变时间和音调。这可以通过单独的旋钮进行调整,并随机或通过速度进行控制。最后,我们录制了手指拨动琴弦的声音,这些声音将由逼真的噪音触发脚本自动添加——当然,您可以控制音量。再一次,有了琵琶,我们用独特而温暖的乐器扩展了我们的弦乐家族。
随着新的更新 2.0,我们为琵琶赋予了新的现代设计。 我们简化了琵琶的操作并添加了更多有用的工具和引擎(例如 Arp/Recorder)。 一个伟大的更新!
需要 KONTAKT 5.8.1 或更高版本的完整版本!

This is a renaissance Lute with 8-course strings – tuned in unison. The lute is equipped with nylon strings – it is astonishing how different a lute is used in music. In the Medieval period, it was the most important instrument for secular music. But it is also used in score music, such as in the Jim Jarmusch’s movie “Only Lovers Left Alive”.

Cinematique Instruments Lute v2 KONTAKT screenshotTHE LUTE
Generally saying, “lute” is a term that designates almost any string instrument having the strings running over a sound box. However, when referring to an actual lute, one means the European lute (or modern middle eastern Oud). Some of its characteristics include a soundboard with a single decorated sound hole called the rose, a shell of thin wooden stripes, and a headstock that is angled back from the neck at almost 90°.

The first lutes were brought to Spain by the Moors and were plucked with a pick; later, they were played with fingers alone. The lute’s strings are arranged in courses, in two strings each, except for the highest pitch course, which only consists of a single string, called the chanterelle.
Our lute is a renaissance Lute with 8 courses: (highest to lowest) a’ e’ b g d A G E – The courses are tuned in unison. Nowadays, lutes are equipped with nylon strings, the same as classical guitars, while historically, they were made of animal guts.

The lute was used in a great variety of instrumental music from the Medieval to the late Baroque eras. It was the most important instrument for secular music in the Renaissance. But it is also used in score music, such as in Jim Jarmusch’s movie “Only Lovers Left Alive”.

The lute was carefully sampled in minor thirds on all the 13 strings in 3 dynamic layers and 4 round robin variations. We spent a lot of time capturing the seamless transitions between these layers and variations so that the instrument feels as natural and smooth as possible.

But this lute is not just sampled notes spread on a keyboard! It is more than this. Like real string instruments, it is now possible to play the same note in different hand positions, each with a different timbre. You can make a melody sound different and achieve a more natural feel when played by changing this position.

As if this wasn’t enough, we also concentrated on the behavior of the course strings. Besides a separate volume knob, we further defined the parameters flam and detune, which lets you vary the time and the tune in relation to the original string. This can be adjusted by separate knobs and controlled randomly or via velocity. Finally, we recorded sounds of finger scratching the strings, which will be automatically added by a realistic noise trigger script – of course, you can control the volume.
 Once again, with the lute, we expanded our string family with a unique and warm instrument.

Update Notes:
With the new update 2.0, we have given the lute a new contemporary design. We have simplified the operation of the lute and added more useful tools and engines (e.g., Arp/ Recorder). A Great Update!