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使用 zplane 的 TONIC 找到循环、混音和歌曲创意的关键。使用 AI 驱动的音乐理论插件来查找适合您的音乐的音阶和和弦。

将 TONIC 放在任何音轨上,然后在您的 DAW 中播放。 TONIC 将实时分析声音并为您提供最多三个建议的键,并以图形表示显示置信度。折叠按键面板并尝试建议按键的音符和和弦,以找到完美契合。


偏离 A440 的记录的参考调谐检测
与 Intel 和 M1 Mac 的本机兼容性


Find the key of your loops, remixes, and song ideas with TONIC by zplane. Use the AI-powered music theory plugin to find the scales and chords that work with your music.

Put TONIC on any audio track and hit play in your DAW. TONIC will analyze the sound in real-time and present you with up to three suggested keys with a graphical representation showing the confidence level. Fold-out the keys panel and try out notes and chords for the suggested keys to find the perfect fit.

Add bass, melody or harmony to your tracks with ease when knowing the key, scale and chords that work well with your recordings and samples.

Detect the key in any audio recording
Explore the compatible notes and chords with the fold-out Keyboard View
Mono and Stereo operation
Reference tuning detection for recordings that deviate from A440
Offline mode – detect the key before loading audio files into samplers
MIDI Control
Resizable User Interface
Native compatibility with both Intel and M1 Macs