MORiA | September, 24 2022 | STANDALONE | AU | VST | VST3 | AAX | 194,9 MB

Trilian® 是 Spectrasonics 的贝司整体解决方案 Trilian 是 Spectrasonics 屡获殊荣的 Trilogy 贝司乐器的继承者,可提供更深入的音乐表达控制和更大的声音塑造灵活性。 Trilian 的 34GB 库的大小是 Trilogy 的 10 倍,并配备了与 Trilogy 一样大小的所有新的原声、电和合成贝司,并配备了所有新的原声、电和合成贝司。

Trilian 支持新重新设计的高分辨率界面,并支持 HiDPI 显示器。现代化的 GUI 现在更易于使用且可调整大小以舒适地融入您的工作空间。

为每个 Patch 呈现的自定义控件使您可以超越原始声音。直观的界面包括有用的演奏控制和专为每个 Patch 制作的高质量创意效果处理。数千个包含的 Patch 展示了非凡的多功能性和能力,可以为您的音乐显着定制这些鼓舞人心的声音。

对独特的细微之处进行了深度采样,包括连奏和滑音发音、机械噪音和释放泛音,将这些声音的真实性提升到一个全新的水平。 Trilian 令人惊叹的 Acoustic Bass 是 Spectrasonics 发布的最详细的乐器之一,拥有 4 个音频通道和超过 21,000 个样本来创建这个单一乐器!所有这些都为真正鼓舞人心的表演增添了真实感。

• 新模式和播放模式
• 新的预设库
• 新的步进修改器
• 新的和弦音色
• 新的音高幻灯片
• 新的分步器
• 捕捉 MIDI 文件!

作为对 Omnisphere 用户的奖励,Trilian 作为卫星乐器完全集成在 Omnisphere® 界面中,允许探索无限新的声音可能性和组合。

Trilian 创意图书馆
Trilian 现在还包括一个令人难以置信的库,其中包含 200 多个独特的 Patch,专为拥有 Omnisphere 2 的用户而设计。使用 Omnisphere 的深度合成功能,Trilian 丰富而细致的贝司声音得到了极大的改变。为现代音乐制作人提供的极其特殊的声音集合。

• 老式压缩机
• 现代压缩机
• 门扩展器
• 复古 2 段均衡器
• 复古 3 段均衡器
• 图形 7 ​​段均衡器
• 图形 12 段均衡器
• 参数 2 段均衡器
• 参数 3 段均衡器
• 共振峰滤波器
• 电源滤波器
• 阀门收音机
• 火焰扭曲
• 烟雾放大器
• 超合唱
• 反相器
• 专业相位器
• EZ-Phaser
• 复古镶边
• 镶边
• 合唱回声
• BPM 延迟
• BPM 延迟 X2
• BPM 延迟 X3
• 无线电延迟
• 复式
• 专业动词
• EZ-动词
• 弹簧混响
• 成像仪
• 管限制器
• 磁带机
• 哇哇

Flow Capture™ 是内置在 Trilian 独立应用程序中的一种特殊录制功能 – 它可以同时捕捉音频、MIDI 和 .trilian 声音格式的自发音乐时刻。

Trilian 软件 1.6.3d
• Flow Capture:新的独立功能允许您同时以音频、MIDI 和声音格式捕捉自发的音乐时刻
• 修复了 Logic 10.7.4 中加载 AU 预设文件未更新 Logic 插件窗口顶部的 AU 预设名称的问题
• 修复了发送包含广泛范围的插件 Pitch Bend 序列可能导致在较大的主机缓冲区大小时出现可听见步进的错误

• OS X 10.13 High Sierra 或更高版本
• AU、VST 2.4 或更高版本、支持 AAX 的主机软件
• 64 位主机


Trilian® is the total solution for Bass from Spectrasonics Trilian is the successor to Spectrasonics’ award-winning Trilogy bass instrument, offering deeper control of musical expression and much greater flexibility of sound shaping. Trilian’s 34GB library is 10-times the size of Trilogy and features all new acoustic, electric and synth basses the size of Trilogy and features all new acoustic, electric and synth basses.

High Resolution Interface
Trilian supports a newly redesigned, high resolution interface with support for HiDPI displays. The modernized GUI is now easier to use and resizable to fit comfortably into your workspace.

Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Thousands of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these inspiring sounds to your music.

Authentic Expression
Unique subtleties have been deep sampled, including legato and glide articulations, mechanical noises and release overtones to bring these sounds to a whole new level of authenticity. Trilian’s stunning Acoustic Bass is one of the most detailed instruments Spectrasonics has ever released, with 4 audio channels and over 21,000 samples to create this single instrument! All of this puts a depth of realism into performances that is truly inspiring.

Greatly Enhanced Arpeggiator
• New Pattern and Play Modes
• New Presets Library
• New Step Modifiers
• New Chord Voicings
• New Pitch Slides
• New Step Dividers
• Capture MIDI Files!

Omnisphere Integration
As a bonus for Omnisphere users, Trilian integrates fully as a satellite instrument within the Omnisphere® interface, allowing the exploration of endless new sonic possibilities and combinations.

Trilian Creative Library
Trilian now also includes an incredible library of over 200 unique patches specially designed for users who also have Omnisphere 2. The richly detailed bass sounds of Trilian have been dramatically transformed using Omnisphere’s deep synthesis capabilities. An extremely special collection of sounds for modern music producers.

3 FX Units
• Vintage Compressor
• Modern Compressor
• Gate Expander
• Vintage 2-Band EQ
• Vintage 3-Band EQ
• Graphic 7-Band EQ
• Graphic 12-Band EQ
• Parametric 2-Band EQ
• Parametric 3-Band EQ
• Formant Filter
• Power Filter
• Valve Radio
• Flame Distortion
• Smoke Amp
• Ultra Chorus
• Retro-Phaser
• Pro-Phaser
• EZ-Phaser
• Retro-Flanger
• Flanger
• Chorus Echo
• BPM Delay
• BPM Delay X2
• BPM Delay X3
• Radio Delay
• Retroplex
• Pro-Verb
• EZ-Verb
• Spring Reverb
• Imager
• Tube Limiter
• Tape Slammer
• Wah-Wah

Standalone with Recording
Flow Capture™ is a special recording function built into the Trilian standalone app – which grabs spontaneous musical moments in audio, MIDI and .trilian sound format simultaneously.

Whats new in this version
Trilian Software 1.6.3d
• Flow Capture: New Standalone feature allows you to grab spontaneous musical moments as audio, MIDI and sound formats simultaneously
• Fixes an issue in Logic 10.7.4 where loading an AU preset file did not update the AU preset name at the top of Logic’s plugin window
• Fixes a bug where sending the plugin Pitch Bend sequences that contain a wide range could cause audible stepping at large Host buffer sizes

System Requirements
• OS X 10.13 High Sierra or higher
• AU, VST 2.4 or higher, AAX capable host software
• 64-bit host