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Kuassa 是一家专门开发音质出色的音频插件的公司; VST – Audio Units – Rack Extension 数字吉他放大器和混音 – 母带效果插件软件。 由一群对音乐创作过程充满热情的志同道合的音乐家于 2009 年在万隆成立。 作为音乐家自己,我们相信音乐工具应该尽可能简单明了,抛开所有可能减慢灵感的障碍将是任何类型的音乐家和工程师的基本目标,从卧室工作室到好莱坞的主要工作室。


Kuassa is a company specializing in developing great sounding audio plugins; VST – Audio Units – Rack Extension digital guitar amp and mixing – mastering effect plug-ins software. Established 2009 in Bandung by a collective of like-minded musicians who are passionate about music creative process. As musician ourselves, we believe that music tools should be as straightforward as possible, putting aside all obstruction that can slowing-down the inspiration will be an essential goal for any kind of musicians and engineers alike, from bedroom studios to major studios in Hollywood.