File size: 123.59 MB

DEX 3 是适用于 MAC 的专业 DJ 软件,可让您超越简单的 DJ。 DEX 3 是可用的最通用的全能 DJ 软件,使您能够直观地混合音乐、音乐视频和精确地主持卡拉 OK。为什么要满足于只有一种功能或使用多种产品的产品? DEX 3 是唯一一款具备所有功能的 DJ 软件,可以让每场演出都取得圆满成功。

通过我们基于节拍网格的自动节拍混合和键检测,可以轻松混合音轨,让您专注于混音的其他方面。无论您是现场混音还是使用自动混音,您的观众都将享受 DEX 3 行业领先的自定义声音引擎带来的卓越音质。

由于 DEX 3 为当今最热门的 DJ 控制器提供无延迟播放和支持;循环、热提示和所有播放功能都具有超响应性。 DEX 3 允许您仅使用键盘或鼠标或 100 多个受支持的 DJ 控制器之一从您自己的音乐和音乐视频库和/或 iTunes 创建混音。

DEX 3 功能
• 多达 4 个 DJ 平台(两个用于视频和卡拉 OK),带有专业级混音器和播放列表
带有音频和视频选项卡的各种 2 层和 4 层皮肤
• 支持 100 多个 DJ 控制器
• 自动检测 MIDI 控制器的到达/移除
• 耳机提示和监听
• 皮肤支持——更改 DEX 3(皮肤设计师)的外观(DEX 3 Skins)
• 完全手动或自动混音(一键匹配)
• 内置效果器(滤波器、回声、混响、镶边、声相、Bitcrusher 等)
• Key-Lock (Master Tempo) – 提供非常高品质的选项!
• ASIO/CoreAudio 低延迟支持
• 视频混合(包括音调、中断、倒转、刮擦视频)
• 视频效果、视频过渡和新的视频混合录制
• 创建文本、图像和视频叠加层以在屏幕上显示给观众
• 时间码黑胶唱片/CD 支持
• 具有格式过滤器、键入时搜索和标签编辑的强大库(新:“列表模式”)
• 在播放列表/浏览器中动态(实时)更改字体(按列表以获得焦点,然后按键盘上的 +/-/0)
• 存储和调用提示和循环(以及热提示)
• 无缝智能循环和跳拍
• 自动基于网格的 BPM 检测和批处理
• 谐波混音的自动键检测
• 乙烯基模拟,包括刮擦、俯仰、反向播放和刹车
SoundCloud Go+ 流媒体支持
Party Tyme 卡拉 OK 订阅支持 Store 用于在应用程序内购买卡拉 OK 歌曲
• 卡拉OK歌手/歌曲历史
• Filler 音乐播放器(供卡拉 OK 歌手之间使用)
• 麦克风(带通话)、转盘或 CD 播放器的模拟输入
• 谐波/键混合的音高缩放
• 键步进器——可配置(全/半/四分之一步),带数字读数
• 高级自动混音,包括混入/混出(Cue In/Out)点
• 感知自动增益(音量控制)
• 经过时间自动混音选项(即:每 3 分钟淡入下一首曲目)
• 示例播放器——加载音频片段并触发它们
• 卡拉OK CDG(MP3+G Zip 和未压缩)和多路卡拉OK 文件支持
• 将您的混音录制到 MP3、WAV 或 AIFF
• 具有无限列表、磁盘资源管理器、数据库和 iTunes 库导入支持的浏览系统
• 将整首歌曲加载到 RAM 中以便即时访问
• DEX 3 可读取 mp3、m4a、wav、aiff、ogg、flac、mp3 pro、wma、wma pro、mp4、mpeg、avi、mov、flv、mkv、wmv、mp3+G、压缩 mp3+G 等等!(非数字版权管理)
• DEX 3 可以跨平台运行,因此您购买的产品在 Windows 计算机上的运行效果与在 MAC 上一样好!

• macOS 10.14 或更高版本
• Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器


DEX 3 is professional DJ Software for MAC that allows you to go far beyond simple DJing. The most versatile do-it-all DJ software available, DEX 3 enables you to intuitively mix music, music videos and host karaoke with precision. Why settle for a product that has only one function or use multiple products? DEX 3 is the only DJ software with all the features you require to make any every gig a total success.

With our beat-grid based automatic beat mixing and key detection it’s easy to blend tracks, allowing you to focus on the other aspects of your mix. Your audience will enjoy superior sound quality made possible by DEX 3’s industry-leading custom sound engine whether your mixing live or using automix.

Since DEX 3 offers no-latency playback and support for today’s hottest DJ controllers; loops, hot cues, and all playback features are ultra-responsive. DEX 3 allows you to create mixes from your own music and music video library and/or iTunes using just a keyboard or mouse, or one of the 100+ supported DJ controllers.

DEX 3 Features
• Up to 4 DJ decks (two for video and karaoke) with professional grade mixer and playlists
Various 2-deck and 4-deck skins with Audio and Video Tabs
• Support for over 100 DJ Controllers
• Automatic detection of arrival/removal of MIDI controllers
• Headphone cueing and monitoring
• Skin support – change the appearance of DEX 3 (Skin Designer) (DEX 3 Skins)
• Fully manual or automatic mixing (one-click beat-matching)
• Built in Effects (Filter, Echo, Reverb, Flanger, Pan, Bitcrusher and more)
• Key-Lock (Master Tempo) – Very high quality option available!
• ASIO/CoreAudio low-latency support
• Video mixing (including pitch, break, reverse, scratch video)
• Video effects, Video transitions and NEW Video Mix Recording
• Create Text, Image and Video Overlays to display to audience on-screen
Shader support for on-screen beat-aware visualizations
• Timecode vinyl/CD support
• Robust library with format filters, search as you type, and tag editing (New: “List Mode”)
• Change font dynamically (in real-time) in playlist/browser (press on the list to have focus and then press +/-/0 on your keyboard)
• Store and recall cues and loops (and hot cues)
• Seamless intelligent looping and beat-skip
• Automatic grid-based BPM detection with batch processing
• Automatic Key Detection for harmonic mixing
• Vinyl simulation including scratch, pitch, reverse play, and brake
SoundCloud Go+ Streaming Support
Party Tyme Karaoke Subscription Support Store for in-app karaoke song purchases
Karaoke Singer Rotation List
• Karaoke Singer/Song History
• Filler Music Player (for use in-between karaoke singers)
• Analog input for microphone (with talk over),turntables, or CD player’s
• Pitch scaling for harmonic/key mixing
• Key stepper – configurable (full/half/quarter steps) with digital readout
• Advanced auto-mixing including Mix-In/Mix-Out (Cue In/Out) points
• Perceptual automatic gain (volume control)
• Automix on Elapsed Time Option (IE: Fade to next track every 3 minutes)
• Sample player – load up audio clips and trigger them
• Karaoke CDG (MP3+G Zip and uncompressed) and Multiplex karaoke file support
• Record your mix to MP3, WAV or AIFF
• Browsing system with unlimited lists, disk explorer, database, and iTunes library import support
• Load the whole song in RAM for instant access
• DEX 3 reads mp3, m4a, wav, aiff, ogg, flac, mp3 pro, wma, wma pro, mp4, mpeg, avi, mov, flv, mkv, wmv, mp3+G, zipped mp3+G and more!(Non DRM)
• DEX 3 works cross-platform, so your purchase will work equally well on a Windows computer as it will on a MAC!

Supported Operation System
• macOS 10.14 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor